Chapter 17: Unexpected

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The warden's slap caused bruises on Andro's face.  His lower lip is inflamed and the bluish discoloration on his right cheek turned much darker.  Ersha checks the condition of Andro's injuries and finds out that his lip tissues were swollen.  So,  she decided to cook him a separate meal for breakfast.  Mrs. Dulce is also well aware of Andro's situation and left him under Ersha's care for there's still a lot of things she needs to attend.   By 8 o'clock in the morning, everyone in the house had already left. 

The meal is ready.  Ersha is putting everything needed on the tray.  In it she puts a bowl of porridge, a separate dish for soup and a filleted fish.  She then brings it to Andro's room, knocks the door thrice before entering and informed him that his breakfast is now available.    

Andro is still lying on his bed with his backside facing Ersha.  So, Ersha approached him, rubbed his back and said, "Andro, you eat your breakfast now so you'll get well soon."  

Andro slowly turned his body to face Ersha, looking weak and pale.  He stretched his arm to ask for assistance in sitting up and then placed some pillows behind his back for support.

Ersha, if you don't mind.  Will you please spoon the food for me for I don't have enough energy to do so., pleaded Andro.

Without a choice, Ersha does Andro's request.  She slowly scooped the filleted fish, mixed them with the porridge and then spoon fed Andro.

Ersha didn't notice that Andro is observing her without knowing that he's just acting out as sickly.  Each time she gets food and gently puts them into his mouth, he tries to hide his smile.  On the other hand, Ersha feels nervous and anxious each time she holds the mouth of Andro to feed him.  She can't look straight into his eyes.  Her heart is beating very fast and inside her is a screaming emotion of love that is longing to be released.

Ersha, are you okey?  It seems like you're shaking and uneasy.  Were you anxious aboutwhat happened last night?  asks Andro.

Uhhmm.  No, not really. answered Ersha..

Ersha, do you already have someone special in your heart? said Andro while giving her a charming look.

Before..  but today, I moved on already. replied Ersha while looking towards the wall.

Then Andro reaches the hand of Ersha and said, "Can I ever replace that someone now?"

Ersha was caught unprepared by Andro's words.  Everything he says made her want to jump for joy, or maybe running towards the door and scream to the whole world that she is in love.  But her reply is only a silence and continues to look on the wall.

Andro is waiting for her answer and looks at the expression on her face.  He already felt the nervousness of her hands for they were shaking while he's holding it.  "It's okey Ersha, I'm not in a hurry.  I'm willing to wait for your response then kissed her hand."

Ersha goes out on Andro's room as if in a trance so she went directly into her room and locked the doors.  Inside, she rolls into her bed, covers herself with a blanket and then says to herself, if you only knew how much I adore you but I'm afraid.. I might not be here tomorrow, the next day or forever.  Our love would just be hopeless."

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