Chapter Two | "Great, it's a fucking boyband."

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      I smile faintly to myself.

     "You mess with the bull, you get the horns." I think to myself, reciting the line I first hear in The Pacifier.

       I open the front door to my house, wiping my eyes a bit, hoping they don't look like i've been crying. I look over to the mirror on the wall as I shut the door, my hairs a frizzy mess, my face is all blotchy, and my mascara has been smudged. I sigh to myself, great. Just great. I march up to my room, slamming the door behind me. I walk into my closet, and over to my vanity, and try to fix my makeup, but my makeup ends up looking even worse, so I head into my bathroom. I splash water on my face, then remove every trace of makeup I had on. Dad wasn't here now, so what's the point? I walk back out into my wardrobe, grabbing a pair of leggings, and a tanktop, then I pull my hair up into a ponytail.

        As I walk down the stairs, I hear a bunch of voices, male voices. Maybe I was wrong... Maybe my dad did come in, I hadn't gotten a good look at the people who had came inside, maybe I overreacted? I walked catiously out into the living room, ready to make a break for it back to my bedroom to change into something more presentable. My eyes widened in disbelief when I saw the five boys, then narrowed in aggravation.

"Great, its a fucking boyband!" I yelled.

           Five fiths of One Direction, were sitting on my couch, watching my T.V , in my fucking house. My dad knew I hated them, he fucking knew it, even though he was never home, he knew it! Yet they were still sitting here. The five boys looked surprised.

"What are you doing here?" The one with the puppy dog brown eyes asked. "Oh you know.... Nothin', i'm just a fan..." The boys look alarmed, I scoff , "I fucking live here what the hell are you doing here?!"  I shout annoyed. The boy with the blondish hair cracked a small smile. "Uhm... Well we're living here...Y'know technically..." I frowned, "How long?" I snapped, "12 months." Said the one with curly hair, I groaned, "A whole year?! God I freaking hate him."

"Who, if you don't mind me asking?"

"My dad, Mr.Coleshaw."

      "He's the one who dropped us off here? Is that right Louis?" Said the one with the black quiffed hair. The one who was Louis answered with an overrexagerated nod. I sighed heavily,

"Did he tell you guys when he was going to be coming back to check up on you guys?" I asked.

The boys shared a look, "Couple a' months..." Said the one with blonde hair.

     "Of course." I groaned as I stomped upstairs, I wasn't feeling good. The boys looked worried, but they didn't say anything, or do anything to stopme from heading upstairs, which is good. Because if they had I would've broken their arm. Which would've resulted in a lawsuit... And it would be a huge mess. I sat up in my room the rest of the night, not wanting to go downstairs and talk to them.


One New Text messege...

From: Kelce <3

Hey, could I come over? My mom is sorta super pissed at me...


Sure, just fare warning, dad dropped off a new client... Or should I say client's. You want a clue?    I HATE THEIR MUSIC.

Kelcie didn't respond.

            Twenty minutes later a loud ding dong erupted throughout the house. I ran quickly down the stairs and threw open the door. "Kelcie!" I shouted. The boys looked over at me, eyesbrows raised, "So you weren't lying to me..." Kelcie muttered.

" I wish I had been." I muttered as a reply. "Guys this is Kelcie. Kelcie this is... Uhm..." I didn't know their names, well, I knew their names just not who was who... I knew Harry, because of the curls and the many, many fangirls at my school.

"I'm Louis, and he's Harry, Liam, Zayn and-"

          "I'm Niall." Kelcie nodded, "C'mon." I said dragging on her hand and leading her up to my bedroom. Well, at least I know whos who... I thought to myself.

Liams POV

         I sighed to myself when she was upthe stairs, why didn't she like us? She seemed so... Distant, and annoyed... We aren't that unlikable...

Are we?

I sigh again. "What's on you mind Liam?" Niall asks, observing my expresions, "Its just- Why doesn't she like us?" I blurt out.

       "Liam, she just hasn't tried to get to know us yet. She's probably pissed at her dad. Did you see how she ran after the limo? How she ran up to her room when she had gotten back? And, truthfully? We're living in her house."

       I nodded, I didn't like being disliked. That's why I tried hard to be liked, I know I'm not the favorite of the band, but I'm definetly not the most unliked. I hop onto the couch, grabbing the remote as I do so.

"So, boys, what do you guys want to do on our extended stay here?" Louis asked as he walked intothe kitchen.

Christiannas POV

         "So... One Direction eh?" Kelcie asked, gigling. I groaned and nodded, sitting down on my desk chair. "Yeah. A whole year." I forced a smile. "Well, what about the party this Thursday?" Kelcie asked.

"What about it?" I say.

"Do you really want them there?"

      "Personally? No. But, I also really don't give a fuck. They're staying here. This is  my home not theirs."

Kelcie nodded. "I see, well, what do you want to do for the party?"

       "I'm not sure... We need some alchohol though, but that shouldn't be a problem... We have a huge room down in the basement devoted to alchohol," I laugh, "Well, you know we should probably test the alchohol we're going to use... You know just to make sure its good to use. " Kelcie cracks a smile. I roll my eyes as I get off of my seat, Kelcie followed me as I made my way downstairs.

       We walked down the stairs to the main room, then walked down another flight of stairs to the basement celler where the alchohol was held. We grabbed a couple bottles of vodka, then one whiskey bottle. When we walked upstairs the boys looked at us like we were on crack.

"The hell you doing with that?" Liam asked.

     "Oh, you know. Just hunting elephants..." I said, sarcasm practically oozing out of my words. Liam rolled his eyes.

"Do you mind if we join ya'?" Niall asking, his eyes trained on the whiskey.

I shrugged, I'll be drunk in about an hour, it wouldn't hurt if he came, I won't remember this in the morning... Hopefully... Niall and Zayn followed us up the stairs. "So, your father just leaves all this alchohol lying around?" Zayn asked. I nodded, "He's never here half the time, what's the difference to him if his daughter drinks?" I reply bitterly. I open my bedroom door, feeling unco.feratable justletting them in.

My room was a light shade of aqua, with crèame flooring, and a lot of pictures and decorations on the walls. I had a couple pictures of some of the party's i had had.

"This party looks.... fun." He states, I grimance. I notice the dress I had been wearing earlier, lying in a heap on the floor. I grab it and throw it into my closet, "What's in there?" Zayn asks, "My closet..." I said. "Oh..." I quickly duck into the closet, shutting the doors and going into the bathroom shutting the private bathroom door. I grab some glasses and quickly come out of the bathroom. I find Zayn, Niall, and Kelcie spread out among my floor, chairs and bed. "Got the cups." I said cheerfully, ready for a somewhat, hopefully, fun night.

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