Chapter Fifteen / What... The... Hell?

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What was going on? I ask myself. I had waken up in a dark room, not able to remember anything that had happened to me. I had been coming downstairs for something to drink, because I was dizzy and then... I fell.

Ohmygod. I had fell down the stairs

Where was I now though? I tried to move my hands but they were bound together, as with my legs. 

I tried moving, well something, and Still freaking nothing. "Argh!" I yell frustrated. 

The door opens suddenly, and my head shoots towards the light. A figure was sillouhetted in the doorway. Looked to be a man. He flicked on a lightswitch and there he was. 

My dad. 


"Dad?" I asked. 

"Yes, dad.  I told you would sing for this record company, but you refused. So, here we are." 

"Dad, untie me right now. RIGHT FUCKING NOW!" I shout. 

"I'm afraid I  can't do that untill you sign a contract with my record company."

"Dad..." I said through gritted teeth. "Let me go, or I swear."

"What? Huh, what wil you do to me? Swear to make me pay, swear to be this out of control party girl and then just forget about it?" 

"No, I won't but.. but you'll get caught. Somehow."


Liam's POV

"Christi's gone Liam." He said again for about the fith time. 

"I know that Niall, I would seriously appreaciate it right now though if you just shut the fuck up!" I snapped. 

Everyone was up now. We had tried Christi's cell, and asked around but nothing was showing up. Everyone hadn't seen her. 

"Okay, Niall tell us what happened again?" Zayn asked. 

"I woke up to a shrill scream, and dismissed it as nothing. but after the scream I heard the door slam and so I got up to investigate. and here we are." (SRRY BOUT THE RUNON SENTENCES LOL)        

"I saw a black escalade leave, the license said OLMPHRC"

Harry started getting a confused look on his face. 

"What the hell does that mean?" I ask. 

"I don't think Niall knows Liam. You need to stop being such an asshole cause' its not going to help us find Christi." Louis says 

" Well excuse me! I'm tired and super pissed! I don't know where she is and.. And-"

"You guys doesn't Christi's dad work for Olmph Record Company?"

Everyones face lit up. We know where Christi's at. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2014 ⏰

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