Chapter One | Breaking Point

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     Beep! Beep! Beep!

     I groaned, stuffing my head into my pillow. I almost hit the snooze button, but then I remembered something, dad was coming home.


        I smiled to myself, sitting up in my king-sized feather bed. I propel myself off of my bed, but suddenly my pillow is calls to me,

      Christianna! Christanna! We're waiting for you! We're warm, and inviting! Come back to bed!!!

      "Noooo! Must... resist!" I shout, yes, I admit it, i'm weird... I glance down at my bed, realizing what I have to do, I have to make my bed. I throw the blankets and pillows off the bed, them hitting the floor with a soft thud, pulling the sheets up around the bed tightly, making sure there aren't any creases. Then I put on the  larger blanket, and tuck it underneath my mattress, finally arranging the pillows. I look proudly at my work. The maid, Mrs.Gustuvá, would be proud, I think I almost shed a tear. *Sniffle* Ten minutes later, i'm still admiring my work, and by those words, I mean sitting on the bed scrolling through Twitter. Damn, the pillows won... I thought to myself. I finally drag my sorry ass outta bed and into my closet, which is about half the size of my room. Yes, I know, over the top, and completly useless. I haven't worn half the stuff in there, but my dad is a multi-billionare who's never home, I go shopping a lot.

      I grab the flowered print spaghetti strapped dress, which stopped just about two inches above my knees. I grabbed some panties, and a strapless bra, then made my way into my private bathroom, which you can only get into from the wardrobe. I push on the wall-to-floor shoe rack, it swings to the side and I step inside shutting the secret door behind me. I throw my clothes onto the counter, and turn on the shower, adjusting it to the perfect temperature. Stripping of my night clothes I stepped into a steaming hot shower, I relaxed into the pulsating water, and squirted some Vidal Sasson Shampoo into my hands, and massaged the shampoo into my scalp.

       Thirty-five minutes later, I'm fully dressed and out of the shower. I wrap the towel around my damp hair, plugging the straightening iron into the wall. I sigh and turn on the radio. Its automatically tuned to Z-100,  Story of my Life was playing, I mentally groaned. I hated them, absoulutly hated them. I had no reason to hate them, but I hated them with a burning passion. Everyone droned on and on, about them. They were five guys that were on the X factor. They didn't even win! They sing. Yippidee do dah. Who the fuck cares? Lots of people can sing, hell, I can sing! Some of their music is okay... I guess. I plug the hair-dryer in, and unwrap the towel, I turn on the blow dryer and dry my dirty blonde waist length hair. A different song comes on the radio, burn, by Ellie Goulding. I hummed along with the tune, continuing with drying my hair.

      A couple minutes later, I turn off the hair dryer, and grab the  straightening iron, plugging the cord in. I wait for about a minute for the straightener to heat up. Once its fully heated, I grab my front bangs and slide the iron down, the chunk of hair instantly straightens. I smile happily at the piece of hair.


       I push open the private bathroom door, and walk into my wardrobe, shutting the door behind me. I throw my clothes into a hamper and walk over to my vanity, settled inbetween two shelves, I applied  natural makeup selection. I had a pretty face, but not overly beautiful. I had big, wide, blue eyes that looked really ackward when I was younger, but I grew into them. I had pretty full lips, that were almost the perfect shade of pink. Only problem was, they got chapped way to easily, so I had to layer on the Chapstick. I had a somewhat heart-shaped face, and a medium-sized rounded button-nose. I grabbed a couple of bracelets, and a long necklace, after I was done with my makeup.

        I finally walked outside of my room and downstairs into the kitchen, which was adjourned to the living room. I open the cabinets, grabbing some chocolate cinnimon toast crunch, then grabbed some milk, and a bowl. I poured myself a huge bowl, and walked out to the living room. I sit down on the couch and prop my feet onto the coffee table, I was just about to take my first bite when my phone beeped.


One New Text messege...

From: Kelce <3

Heyy are you gonna have that party this week?


Maybe... Idk, it depends on how long my dad stays! He's finally coming back!!! I haven't seen him in 5 months!


One New Text messege...

From: Kelce <3

Okay, text me if you are! I'll send out the invites, also have a good time visiting with your dad!

         I smiled, me and Kelcie have been inseperable since the third grade, we're Seniors in High School now, only one month left! Me and her, have been partners in crime for forever, pulling off huge pranks. Like last year, during the schools Halloween dance, we scared the shit out of everyone, by flickering all of the lights on and off in the gym, untill we finally shut the whole schools power down, we had gotten a microphone earlier hooked up to a battery powered speaker, that altered our voices, and we told everyone that we were going to take someone from the room every 10 minutes, and kill them. Harsh,  ut it was still funny as hell. Suddenly screams had errupted and people were running, trying to get out of the gym, but we had locked them in with a key we stole from the Princpals office. They never found out who had done that, but let's say they were pretty pissed... Haha! I stared at the T.V screen, and took the final bite of my cereal, so I sat up and walked into the kitchen, throwing my bowl into the sink, making sure to rinse it first.  Suddenly the front door burst open, So naturally I ran to the door,

"Dad?" I called out.

         When I reached the door, five young men were standing where my dad should've been. I watched as a black limo pulled out of the driveway, I caught sight of my dad inthe window, I shrieked. The boys looked at me in surprise, I sprinted towards the car,

"Dad!" I yelled, I kept running after the car all the way to the end of the street. The car turned the corner.

I sunk to my knees, "Dad?" I called out weakly. The day he was supposed to come home to visit me, he just left. I started to cry.

        I picked my self up from the middle of the road and walked over to the  sidewalk. I started to walk home, my bare feet aching, and to make it worse I suddenly have to pee really bad...

      Ugh, that's fucking it. No more. He wants to fucking leave me, without one simple hello and a fucking hug? I'm his daughter for gods sake!!! Well, you know what? No more fucking nice girl. He wants to abandon me with these five guys, so be it.

To: Kelce <3

Yeah, party at my place, Thursday! Dad won't be there, so its all good!


One New Text messege...

From: Kelce <3

Awesome, I'll start inviting people, I'll be over the day before the party to help you set up!

      No more nice girl.


So, what do you think? I think it turned out better than expected, hopefully, I'll be able to finish this story... I find it very hard to continue storys, I always catch writers block, which SUCKS!!!! So I almost always end up deleting the story...

Tell me what you thought!





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