Chapter Nine | "Screw You"

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Christiannas POV (Should I just start using Christi's POV instead? COMMENT)

"I was wondering if you guys would want to create a music video... You know, sorta like a screw you, type of song..." I smile at the floor.

"Let's do this shit." Zayn says suddenly, a grin lights up my face.

"Thanks." I said.


I smile into the camera thats pointed directly at my face, "3, 2..." one, Niall mouthed at me. God, i feel so cool... I start singing. The boys and I  decided to do Cheryl Cole's Screw you.

"We can't love, not like this you broke me down, do I even exist? After everything, gave you everything, lost everything. Love is so lonely now.

Cause I don't want to run no more, can't believe all the shit I did for you, and I don't want to hurt no more. Yeah, my heart must have been to big for you. So caught up in the love I felt for you, I burnt out like the flame I held for you. But it was never enough, no, I never got your love, I loved you so much but you didn't give a fuck.

So screw you..."


After about 100 different shots, and a couple of hours editing the footage, and putting in all the clips so it fit right, we had made a music video. I watched it, over and over again. I giggled in delight, "This is perfect!!!" I yelled. Zayn grinned, "Only the best, for the best." He smiled and threw himself onto the couch. Liam put his arm over my shoulders, I could feel myself blush. You know, its crazy how fast my opinion changed on these guys. I originally thought they'd be stuck up douch-bag pricks... Cause' their so rich and all... But I should've know, they wouldn't be because I'm filthy rich... But then again these guys are famous, so... You know what? I don't give a fuck. That was then, this is now.

Zayn hit the Youtube post button, and a nervous feeling spread throughout my body. What if people don't like the video? What if people think I'm ugly? Oh my god, we shouldn't have posted this....


*2½ hours later

"Holy-" I started to scream, 25.7 Million views.

"You guys!!!!" I screamed, I heard some grumbling, some pounding of feet on stairs, and then just yells of joy.

"Holy shit..." Niall sputtered out.

"I- I know... I said. My phone started to beep.

Incoming call from: Dad

I sighed, and picked up my phone. "What?" I snapped, "Christianna. Please, just hear me out. It would be so easy for you to join the company, you would be famous. Think about it, million of fans all for you, just you Christianna."

"I'm not joining your stupid record company." I stated.

"Christianna, you will join the record company, as your father, I am ordering you to join."

I scoff, that's a really stupid way to put it. Considering, he hasn't seen me for six months now. "You aren't my father. You might have been at one point, but you aren't now."


I hung up on him. A couple more phone calls from him came in, but I didn't answer. I threw my phone down onto my bed in frustration.

"So, I think the video deserves some kind of festivity... Don't cha' think?" Louis said, a grin overtaking his face.

"Like what?"

Oh god. Its Louis here we're talking about, this could be anything... I narrow my eyes at him. "Call up Kelcie!" Louis shouts, "Tell her to bring a bunch of friends! Its game night!" Liam's eyes widen, and so does the rest of the boy's eyes.

"Louis... Are you sure you want to do game night? Remember last time?" Niall asked, voice strained. "Course' I remember, how could I forget?" He yelled. Zayn rolled his eyes, "Call Kelcie." Harry said.

The boys all went down the stairs, leaving me confused.

*About an hour and a half later*

"Okay, so what exactly are we doing here?" Kelcie asks, with five dumbstruck girls and boys behind her.

Louis appears behind me, "Its gamenight girls, and boys." I turned around to face Louis, who was dressed in an all camo outfit.

Okay? What the fuck did I get myself into?


So... How's the story so far? Check out my other story Morganville Horror, I think you'll enjoy it. Ten part story, so its short. Its also completed. So check it out! :)




I follow back!

♥ XOXO ♥

- Jenelle

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