Chapter Three | Truth Or Dare

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     "I have an idea..." Niall slurred, his eyes red. "What's that?" I replied, my voice slow and unsteady. "Let's play..." Niall took a swig of the whiskey, "Truth or dare..." Zayn smiled, "Yeah!" He said drunkenly, "Do you think the other boys would want to play?" Niall asked. "Don't know," Zayn said, looking down at his feet, "Let's go check..." Zayn started to stand up, "Holy shit!" He suddenly yelped as he fell to a heap on the floor, I burst into a fit of giggles.

      Kelcie had went to bed about an hour ago, so she was currently sleeping in my closet, wrapped up in aa blanket. "Here," I said standing up to help Zayn, only to find myself falling down onto  Zayn. I started giggling again, "Sorry..." I rolled off of him. Niall was currently laughing and small tears were falling down his cheek.

"You like it on top don't cha' Chrissy?"

       Niall smirked. I rolled my eyes at his nickname for me, Niall had officially pegged me Chrissy. I didn't really care though, I personally think its better than that long ass name Christianna, but the name could be a bit more feminine...

"Here ya' go." Niall said standing up and extending a hand out to Zayn who was lying on the floor in a dazed, laughing state. I was surprised how Niall could stand up, considering the fact that he had drank the most out of Zayn and I. I sighed, "Could you help me to?" I asked. Niall nodded, still smiling like a fucking kid at Christmas. "How are you standing?" I asked, "Babe, I know how to handle my alchohol, which you two obviously don't know how to do, considering you're both on the fucking floor."

"Oh, shut up." I said, he put his hands up in the air, "I only speak the truth," I couldn't help but notice how thick his accent has become since hes been drinking. "Let's go get the boys," Niall had his arm looped around my waist, Zayn had his arm looped around Nialls neck, supporting himself. "Do you think they'll want to play?" I asked.

"Oh, definitely. They never back down from truth or dare." Niall said confidently, "Mmkay," I responded. When we made it down the stairs the boys were sitting around watching some movie. "BOO!" Yelled Zayn, Harry jumped.

I started giggling again. "You boys want to play truth or dare?" I asked. They responded with a nod, but looked uncertain. "What's the matter?" Zayn asked, "You three scared?"

Louis looked more determined now, "No, but you should be." He responded gruffly. "C'mon!" I yelled, unraveling myself from Nialls grasp and heading upstairs feeling more bubbly, and sober now. The five boys followed me into my room.

Ha, I couldn't help but think how dirty that sounded.

I sprawled myself across my bed, looking up to the boys.

"Who wants to go first?" I asked.

No one raised their hands or even acknoledged my question,

"Fine. I'll go." I responded to myself.

"Truth or dare?" Louis asked.

"Mmm... Dare." I responded with a smirk.

"Okay, I dare you to..." He looked off into space for a moment... He kept looking off into space, "Lick Harrys foot!" He finally yelled.

"Eww... Gross!" I made a disgusted face.

"Chrissy? Are- Are you scared?" Niall scoffed. I glared at him, "Fine." I grabbed Harrys foot and gave it a lick, While Harry giggled shamelessly. "That tickles..." I rolled my eyes at him.

Two hours and way too many dares later, everyone was mainly asleep. Except for myself, and... Harry. "Truth or dare?" Harry asked me quietly. "Mmm..." I had already done a bunch of dares, most of them disgusting and gross, but nothing overly gross. (Or sexual...)

"Truth." I finally said.

"Why don't you like us?"

Me and Harry were both on my bed, His head was at the foot of the bed, mine at the headboard.

Harrys voice sounded unsure, but his body didn't give any signs of feeling weird while asking.

"How would you like to never see your dad? The only family I have left is him. My mom died in a boating accident 5 years ago, my dads an only child, his aunts uncles, parents. All dead."

I sat up and looked at Harry, who had a pitying look on his face.

"I haven't seen my dad in five months. Almost six. You've probably had more interaction with him than I have in those past months. He doesn't even call me. When he does, I talk to him for about six minutes before he has to leave."

Harry frowned, "I- I'm sorry..." He said.

"For what? Not your fault my dad is a douchebag who only cares about money, and himself." I said bitterly. "You know what Harry?" I asked.


"I think its time to go to sleep."

Harry nodded, going over to the door and flicking off the light switch that was nestled next to the door, "Night," He said, and with those words he left me sitting in the darkness by myself...

Well not technically the rest of the boys were sleeping- no... More like passed out, on my floor, and Kelsie? Well she was passed out to of course... Only in my closet.

I took a deep breath, and closed my eyes.


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