Part 1

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I can't believe I made it to college. Today is move-in day for all freshman students at Georgia University and I can say that I am actually one of them. I make my way to check-in for rooms, so many people are here and all with there parents....

"Hey, I'm here for my room," I say shyly.

"OK, what's your name," a cheeky blonde says, I can tell the smile on her face is fake from doing this all day.

"Mya Daniels."

She began typing, "M-Y-A," she spelled out and looked up at me. I nodded in agreement at correct spelling. "And can I see your student I.D."

"Uh... here you go," I said as I reached into my pocket for the I.D.

"You are in 418....and you're roommate is.." her face formed into a grimace, " Kelly Carter...." why did she make that face? Whats wrong with this Kelly girl. Whatever, they may just have beef with each other.

"Great... so can I have my key now," she looked into her folder and pulled out, what i assume is my key. The girl smiled weakly and pointed towards the elevator, for me to make my exit.

My stuff will be arriving tomorrow, right now all I have is two bags. One will my essentials, and the other with some clothes for me to wear for the next couple of days. When I walked into the room half of it was already decorated: lights, posters, and a very strong smell of perfume. Kelly must already be here.

My side of the room was untouched. In comparison to my roommates it was kind of embarrassing. But, I don't have the funds for all of that, and no one to even help me out.

I am a foster kid. I never knew my parents, apparently I was abandoned as a baby in a small town in Georgia. All my life I have been missing something, longing to know what it felt like to have parents. All I have from them is my dark skin and big lips and possibly these naturally straight teeth.

After an half in hour of getting my things situated and stopping my self pitting I was able to relax. But then the door opened. I immediately stood up from my bed, and straightened my shirt. It was another blonde.

"Oh! You are here, my name is Kelly... but you can call me Kels," she said as she basically skipped over towards me, stretching out her pale hands. Kelly was extremely beautiful, with the deepest shade of blue eyes.

"Hey... Mya... nice to meet you," this girl has a very dominating personality. I shook her hand and then there was an awkward silence. But she immediately broke it as she scanned my side of the room.

"Where is all your stuff?"

"Oh the rest is coming in tomorrow"

"OH, your parents couldn't make it then?"

She had so many questions. "Yeah, yeah.. thats it. My mom and dad couldn't make it, they had to work." I wasn't going to air my business to a complete stranger.

"Cool, you can use my T.V, microwave and fridge, if you don't have that." I looked at her shocked and began to chuckle. Kelly caught on and looked confused.

"Did I say something wrong?" She looked at me in my eyes, "OMG, I offended you didn't I?" she looked flustered now and now i was confused.

"No, no, its just that the girl down stairs made me think that you were evil, but you seem really nice."

Kelly didn't seem surprised by my statement to say the least and said nothing but begin to laugh.

"Why are you laughing," I sat down on my bed and she sat on hers, our room was kind of spacious.

"I like you Mya, I like that you don't know who I am."

"Should I know?"

"I might as well tell you," she got up and went into her closet and pulled a picture out. "This is my family, " She handed me the picture, All I saw was a happy white family.

"I don't mean to be rude, but how does showing me your family help me out."

"Wow you really don't know anything," Kelly said, I gave her a look I may be shy but these hands still work. "I didn't mean it like that," she must have caught the hint. "My father... he is a senator for Georgia, the most conservative man, I have ever met," Oh so they are a nice racist white family. " Terry, the girl down stairs is just surprised that my roommate is-"

"Black" I had to cut her off. I was use to racism, I was the only black person in my town all my life, the daughter of an alleged racist senator wouldn't scare me. "I don't care, as long as it doesn't interfere with my time here at this school."

"It won't, you see I am a democrat," she fiddled with her bracelet as she talked, "I can't stand what my father and brother stands for," I looked back down at the picture and my eyes landed on her brother. This family really looks good. The same blue eyes and chiseled jaw and muscular frame.

"How often do they come to visit?" It was best to know, so I know when I should prepare myself for junk they would be bringing with there visit.

"Not that much, but my brother does go here, I was just with him earlier," Okay at least I can avoid most of them. Kelly saw the look on my face, "I will make sure my brother doesn't bother you whenever he's around. Ryan is in a frat, so he shouldn't be here that much."

That was promising, "You don't have to protect me from him, I can hold my own."

"Great, maybe you could put my brother in his place, he is a complete ass." We laughed together at that one. I could see me and Kelly becoming good friends. And lord knows I needed one.
Should I continue?

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