Part 10

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My damn phone was going off again. It was 7:30 in the goddamn morning. I reached across my bed to my dresser and picked it up.

"Yeah..." I said in a gruff tone.

"Son! Glad to see you're awake!" I immediately shot up. Dad. It was Friday, the speech.... the protest. Shit

"Sorry, Father when do you get here?" I rushed to put on my shirt and shorts. He could be anywhere at this point.

"Don't worry about where I am. You and your sister need to be at the auditorium before my speech." 

"Yessir. And mother?"

"She will be there. Get ready, it starts at noon."

"Yessir." Dad immediately hung up. 


"Are you still going, through with your plan?" Kelly and I were making our way up the steps, the speech wasn't scheduled for another hour.

"No... I called it off last night. But they aren't listening to me..." He was stupid, to even think of this plan. Now Mya may never want him.

"There is nothing we can do now. Just hope nothing gets out of hand," Kelly was the most level-headed person you'd ever meet... until you cross her. She could kill you just with her words.

"What about Mya... is she going to be here?" Please God, tell me she will stay home.

"You must really like her... and you know nothing about her. She's coming... she isn't going to back down from a goon of racist." All I could do is shake my head, this is all my fault.

"What if she gets hurt? What does she have to prove?" we made our way to the entrance and Kelly stopped to and looked at me.

"See you know nothing about her. She may be shy, but she is strong. Mya was raised around racist all of her life... she's been called every name in the book, has had her life threatened and even was given a noose as some sort of sick joke for a christmas present." What... who would do that to her. I am really an idiot.

"And she thinks I am just like those people who hurt her?" Kelly nodded her head. I put my hands in my face.


"I AM NOT LIKE THEM!" I was pissed.

"Yes you are... you may not physically do it, but what you stand for is just as bad." Kelly then turned and left.


"There you are my boy." My father came up to me and gave me a giant bear hug. He's a bulky guy, over 6'2, when a full head of hair.

"Father.. how are you?" I wasn't feeling as good as I should.

"Great now that you're here... come on, I'm speaking in 15 minutes," We made our way over to  my mother and sister. My mom came up and hugged me.

"How are you baby?" My mom said. She was a short women with long blonde hair and a thin frame.

"I'm good just a little worn out," She corked her eyebrows at me.

"Not like that mom!" I smiled at her, she had a bubbly attitude just like my sister.

"Alright, but don't let me find out." she pointed her finger at me and then showed her smile.

"Whatever," we both broke into laughter.

I peaked out into the crowd. It was filled with  sea of white people. Some wearing there trump 'Make America Great Again' hats. No BSU. No Mya. Good.

My father was 10 minutes into his speech when the doors from the auditorium opened. They were here. Chanting. It was more people than I thought. The BSU. The football team. And some other people were all joined together. The guys I had recruited from earlier were already there waiting. It didn't take long for the arguing to begin.

"YOU NIGGERS BETTER LEAVE!" One of my dads supporters held out. He stood right in Deon's face.

"Or what? You gonna shoot me?" The two sides were on either sides of the aisle. Fist fight was about to ensue. Mya was right in the center of it.

"We are here for justice, the man you are about to elect won't do that for us!" Mya pushed Deon aside and stood right in the face of the overweight man.

"Listen, bitch you better get your black ass out of here before you do something you regret..." His tone was venomous. Mya didn't budge. What was she thinking? Kelly stood up and was about to make her way down the steps before one of the security guards grabbed her.

"LET ME GO! THATS MY ROOMMATE YOU INGRATE!" Kelly was fighting but he managed to pick her up and take her to the back with my father and mother.

Out of nowhere the overweight man did something vile. He coughed up the biggest wad of spit and aimed right for her face. All I could see was red at this point, I hopped the stage and before I knew it my fist connected with the mans face. As soon as I did that, an all out fight broke out. Chairs were being thrown, signs being tossed. No one was safe man or woman. I managed to spot Mya she was being tossed around. I reached for her hands and bullied my way out of the crowd. We made to the top of the stage before she snatched her hand away.

"What are you doing?" Is all I could say, then I tried to reach for her hand again. She reacted quicker than I did.

"Get away from me! This your fault!" She wiped the man's spit from her face and thats when I saw the cut on the side of her face, she was bleeding.

"You're bleeding?"


"Their is a first aid kit in the back, when can get it cleaned up..." I tried reasoning with her.

"I can take care of myself... Ive already been humiliated today, I don't need to add onto it by being in the presence of your father." She had a point.

"Kelly is back there and she is worried, you could at least see her, my dad won't bother you." She softened her face once she heard Kelly's name. 

"Okay. But this is only for Kelly..." 

I led the way to the back to see my parents and Kelly sitting there, waiting to hear what happened. My mom immediately shot up and ran to hug me. Kelly ran to Mya and wrapped her in a hug. My father just stood there not saying a word. His eyes were on Mya. They were wide like  he had just seen a ghost.

"Dad..." are you okay. This wasn't like him he was still looking at Mya, "Dad... she's okay, this is Kelly's friend," Dad started walking in Mya's direction eyes fixed on her. Kelly stood in his way.

"Dad! Whats wrong with you if you're thinking of hurting Mya, think again!" Kelly nearly shouted. Dad moved her out the way, and stood face to face with Mya. No one knew what to expect. Mya looked terrified from fear. Then he spoke...



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