Part 5

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Deon's pic
Mya's POV


I was calm the whole time we were alone. At least I think I was. I snapped at him before he could even get a word out, and it actually felt good but... what if Ryan doesn't take me home. Ugh, I can't believe I was that stupid.

Kelly was looking at more posters for our room, while Ryan went on his own way.

"What about this one?" Kelly showed me a poster of Obama's change poster from so many years back. We both busted out in laughter, we both knew that wasn't going to fly with Kellys family.

"Kels, I sort of snapped on your brother when you were gone..." I said as casually as possible. Kelly gave me a half smirk and began flipping through the posters again. "Did you hear me?"

"I know you did...I heard what you said," Kelly turned to face me her teeth began to show now.

"Well... I don't feel bad but, I don't know what to expect from him now, he didn't even get a chance to speak after."

"Don't say anything, keep up this tough girl act," she grinned, "I think you actually scared him!" she laughed at that part.

"Well the tough part wasn't an act, I am use to people like your brother back home, I'm more concerned about this ride home. I hate awkward tension." I said I was talking a mile a minute at this point.

"Don't worry about it," Kelly said that a little to casually for my liking.

"And why is that?"

"As long as I am here, Ryan won't bother you."

I shook my head. I hope she was right.


The car ride back wasn't that bad. Kelly kept her brother occupied the rest of the time. But the glances didn't stop...whats up with this guy?

My clothes had finally came, and my side of the dorm was complete. I am a very organized person, so everything is color coded, I have 3 calendars for important events, and different colored binders and pencils for each class.

Kelly went out with one of her high school classmates so I had sometime to myself. I decided to explore the campus, even though we had the summer tours, I wanted to officially do this as a student and just walk my classes.

The campus was extremely big. And all of my classes were so far apart from the other, at least track paid of for something. I sat down to let my feet rest for a bit, I'll be forming callouses on my feet if I keep this up.

"Hey" a black guy and girl approached me with a flyer in there hands. "We are apart of the BSU, and wanted to know if you'd like to join. The girl said this as she handed me the flyer, the guy was just eying me.

"BSU, I'm sorry what exactly is that?" this was my first time of hearing about this.

"Black student union, we discuss black culture, issues, and we set up events and what not for people of color at this school," The guy spoke up, he was a dark-skinned guy with extremely defined muscles.

I needed more friends, preferably a few that looked like me. "I would like to join... when do you guys meet?"

The girl smiled, revealing the gap between her teeth, "We meet, even Tuesdays, in too 220 in the student union." She was still cheesing.

"Sorry for my friend here, I'm Deon by the way," he reached out to shake my hand, and I took it, "This is Lyra," he was still holding onto my hand while he spoke her name. He was cute though.

"Mya" I said as I took my hand away from Deon.

"Nice too meet you, girl! Its good to have more people join. Not many people are feelin what we are doing here,"

"Like who?"

"Every damn white person at this school, got some the black people scared to join, in fear sending the wrong image." Deon piped in, this was a subject he was really adamant about.

"Deon, not everybody is like that... ," Lyra said, she seemed to be level headed of the two.

"MYA!" a voice that could only be Kelly's was screaming. I looked at Lyra and Deon and they looked far from pleased from seeing Kelly. Kelly approached fast, she was carrying her purse in her right hand and sun-glasses covering her eyes.

"Hey...Kelly," I turned back to Lyra and Deon still with the same expressions. "Deon, Lyra, this is my roommate Kelly. Kelly this is Deon and Lyra," there faces relaxed at hearing we were just roommates and nothing more.

"Nice too meet you!" Kelly said as she stuck out her hand, only Lyra recuperated the gesture. Deon just watched her.

"We need to get going.... Mya you definitely need to be at that meeting Tuesday we have a hell of a lot to go over with you," Deon said, I kind of have an idea of what the convo was going to be about.

"Yeah, I'll be there room 220 right?"

"Right" Lyra said as they both made there way towards the union.

"They seemed...nice," Kelly said. I know she is kind of her hurt by what happened, even being here she can't seem to escape her fathers shadow.

"Yeah, they are. I was invited to join there club here. The BSU," Kelly only nodded at what I said, her happy mood had already beed ruined.

"Great... so did you want to get something to eat?" as soon as she said that my stomach growled. "Well, I'll take that as a yes then."

"Thats more than a yes!" I linked our arms together, and began to walk to the cafe. I could feel her body soften at my gesture. Apparently I'm not the only one who could use a friend.


Hope you like!

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