Part 18

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Lyra's pic
this one will be pretty long with different POV'S lol

Ryan's POV


It took everything in me not to broach the subject with Mya about our relationship. Take things slow, win her heart is what I keep telling myself. So thats what I am doing, winning her over. I want to find her parents for her, prove that I am not the guy she met the first time. I can't even look at girls without thinking I'm doing her wrong.

"Whats up Ryan... looking like you lost a friend," Dex came into our kitchen chuckling, we hadn't been the closet this month and I honestly don't know why.

"Nah... nothing, just thinking." Dex was looking through the kitchen searching for his jar of peanut butter, he ate it straight from the jar. "I think you ate the last of it."

"Dammit, I guess I need to make a store run," he was about to walk out the kitchen. We haven't even had a real conversation in the last 2 weeks.

"I can take you...I need to pick somethings up anyway."

"Ry dude its cool."

"Come on what are friends for." I was trying here, a lot of my relationships were changing now, and I wasn't expecting it to shift with Dex.

"Fine, when can we go, I got class in a bit but after I'm free."

"How about after, 2, I am meeting Mya for coffee but after that I'm good to go," Dex pursed his lips, and nodded his head.

"Cool." Was all he said, the room had gone cold again.

"What did I say wrong?" was all I whispered to myself.


Dex's POV

I'm trying to pay attention in Spanish class. But, all I can think about is Mya. This wasn't suppose to happen, feelings , I could see why Ryan liked her so much. She was pure at heart, smart, witty, and gorgeous. That girl was one of a kind. Perfect. And now I'm jealous of Ryan. He's my best friend, but, Mya is too good for him. I want to tell her how I feel, but I am loyal to Ryan. "Uggh.." I practically screamed. Everyone in the class turned to look at me.

"Senor, is there something you want to discuss with the class," Miss Hamlin, was a older white lady, who tried her best to form a spanish accent to no avail.

"No.. I was just thinking about how beautiful you looked in your dress," I smiled. Miss Hamlin was easy just compliment her.

"Thank you actually I got this from Ross...." Everyone in class groaned. She loved talking about herself. We spent the remainder of class listening to her talk.

"Dex!" I turned to see Hailey. I skinny blonde with big tits. She was in my class.

"Hey Hailey, I was just about to leave, whats up?" she usually would only talk to Ryan, so I wondered what she wanted.

"I wanted to see if you and Ryan were coming to the KAA party tonight?" she asked.

"Oh, sure I'll ask Ryan." She basically jumped.

"How is Ryan I haven't seen him in forever, my girls say he is always with this black girl now..." She laughed, "but I don't believe it, they don't know Ryan like we do, he wouldn't be caught dead with one of them," she was basically crying tears now.

"Yeah thats Ryan for you... but believe it." She immediately stopped her laughter. I don't care for Hailey but she had a point. Ryan isn't cut for Mya, how he is or was in the past is not something she needs.

"Are they together..." She was fearful of my answer.

"No they are just friends." I shrugged, "but let me be clear she has a name and its Mya, and don't call her out of it again." My tone was deathly. No one would disrespect my friend, over this last month working together I feel like I know her inside and out, and this bimbo was beneath her. I grabbed my bag and walked out the class.


Mya's POV

"There is a party tonight for the KAA's." Kelly said. Her, me and Lyra were eating breakfast in the cafeteria.

"And what does that mean for us?" Lyra asked. The three of us have gotten closer since the speech. Lyra is the most laid back, caring person you could meet. She was really involved in the community helping in nursing homes, and food drives. Me and her even found one of the few black churches in the town to attend, Kelly went once with us, but the screaming and shouting was too much for her.

"That means that we can get turnt!" Lyra and me just looked at each other, Kelly's use of the urban dictionary was limited.

"Girl... we don't say that anymore. Its lit," Lyra explained. She has been teaching Kelly as much as she can so she doesn't stick out when we go to places with a lot of black people. Lyra even took time out of her day to teach us the art of twerking.

"Sorry, but we should go! I know its not like the parties you are use to Lyra, but it will still be fun!" I wasn't the partier but, after the week I had it would be nice to let loose.

"I'm in." I spoke up.

"Ok, we can go.... but y'all white people be on some other stuff, if I catch a whiff of cocaine me and Mya are out!" I busted out laughing, this girl was a trip too.

"Great! this is going to be fun girls just you wait and see!" Kelly screamed.

"Yeah, Lyra you think Deon could come?" I asked just to be petty. Kelly froze in her place.

"I don't know I called him last night but he was busy, to be honest he's been busy a lot lately..." Kelly started turning in her seat, she even began eating the seeds inside her apple to remain calm.

"I'm sure he has his reasons..." Kelly whispered.

"Yeah deep in someone probably." Lyra laughed I joined in. Kelly gave an uncomfortable. "Well bitches I need to get going, I have to be at the nursing home by 12." Lyra got up to leave, "And text me to know when the party starts." she said as she picked up her plate and left.

"I'm going to kill you!" she said as soon as Lyra was out of hear shot.

"No you aren't. That was for last night, being a dickwad and all."

"Don't get mad at me you guys were basically undressing each other with your eyes."

"No we weren't, anyway I am meeting with Ryan in a bit to finish up our conversation." I began cleaning my area to leave.

"What are you guys talking about anyway?"

"I'll tell you later," I just said.

"Okay, but if its about what you two do in the bed you can just save it." I threw my napkin at her.

"No it isn't but you will be surprised," was all I said then I left.

I heard Kelly scream, "COME ON!"


How do you guys feel about Lyra and Dex and this chapter? I wanted to develop there characters this chapter.

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