Chapter 2

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Chapter 2: Journey to the Capitol

When we get to the station it's packed with cameras and many people who are there to wave us off, but only a few of them I actually give a shit about. Indigo leads us on to the train, that will take us to the Capitol. As I step into the first carriage I'm took back by the amount of food laid out and also by all the vintage furniture, I've never seen anything like this.

I take a seat on a weird looking chair next to Cato, the train pulls away from the station and I'm taken back by how fast it starts moving. Indigo tells us the train goes at 250 mph, because it's so fast you don't even feel like you are moving. I look at all the amazing food that is laid out an my mouth starts to water. Indigo notices me staring and states I can have what I want. I grab a chocolate eclair, at least I think it's a chocolate eclair since I've only had one once before, when our trainer brought us one as a special treat. Indigo tells us to go and get ready for dinner in our rooms.

I grab another chocolate eclair and follow Indigo to my room she tells me that I must be ready for dinner in an hour, then she goes off to find Brutus and Enobaria. My room is filled with so much fancy furniture, such as a wardrobe filled with clothes and a bed made of silk.

I take off my reaping clothes and change into leggings and a sky blue top. I brush out my hair and leave it down, then I look around the room and see loads of gadgets. I pick up a remote, not knowing what it does and the huge television comes on at once. At home we only have projectors to watch Capitol broadcasts. I decide to watch the reaping in the other districts. In district 11 a small innocent girl called Rue is called, I can't help feeling sorry for her. In district 12, a girl steps forward to volunteer for her sister, she is brave. Usually only people volunteer from career districts.

Indigo is calling me, telling me that dinner is ready. As soon as I open my door an amazing smell fills the air. When I walk into the dining compartment for dinner our mentors, Brutus and Enobaria are there they have won previous games. Enobaria once ripped a tributes throat out using her teeth and after the games she had them filed into fangs.

As we are introduced to them our waiters are bringing out endless carts of food. The starter is a thick pea soup with fresh bread rolls, it all looks so nice, me and Cato can't help stuffing our faces. Indigo keeps reminding us to save room for the next course. After I finish my food, I take a sip from my glass of orange juice. I start to feel a bit sick since I have never had so much. I head back to my room and leave the adults to chat.

In my room, I also have my own bathroom with a shower that has over 100 buttons. I take off my clothes and press a button that looks like the on button. Thankfully it is, I experiment with some of the buttons and once I'm done my hair is soft and silky and I smell like apples. I open one of the draws and pick out a soft fluffy nightgown to wear. After a long day I fall asleep in less than a minute of getting into the soft, silky bed.

When I wake up it takes me a minute to realise where I am. I look the clock, it's 7 o'clock, we will be in the Capitol in an hour. The smell coming from the dining room makes my mouth water. Still I have a quick shower, get dressed and brush my teeth, before going for breakfast. I brush my hair and leave it down again. I stroll into the dining room, Cato is talking with Brutus and Enobaria and Indigo is applying her makeup.

As I eat I join in with the conversation about the tribute parade. I start eating as much as I can, I hope to put on a few pounds in the next week. I have just finished eating when outside the train goes dark. "We are here at last!" exclaimed Indigo. I look outside the train window as it pulls up at the station, loads of people are here to welcome us, they are all waving and cheering. I walk over to the window and wave back, trying to make a good impression, Cato joins in before we are cut off from them by a tunnel.

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