Chapter 24

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Chapter 24: A new life as a victor

We eventually make it to the justice building. When we are inside we meet with our families. Cato runs over to meet his family, he mother and father and his little sister. I search the room and see my mother standing there I run over and hug her.

I see a young girl hugging Cato, she is blonde and really pretty, I also know she is not related to him. There is someone standing behind my mum, it's my best friends Danny. "Danny!" I say.

"Hey Clove" he says cheerfully. Danny and I have been best friends since we were little and every day after training he used to walk me home. "Before you ask I didn't say goodbye to you before you left because I know how close you are to your mother and I didn't want to use up your time for goodbyes" he says. Then he adds "and anyway I always knew you would come home"

"Thanks" I say. We are lead off to a room to sign some papers about moving into our new house, then we walk to the victors village.

7 of the houses are filled and it will soon be 9. Whilst everyone prepares our coming home party, I see that Cato has gone and I slip off to go and find him. I know where he will be, I run down the street and head towards the training centre. About 100 meters away from the entrance is a small hill with a maple tree on top of it and underneath is a small bench. Me and Cato always came here after training and it is our special place.

I walk over and sit down next to him.

"What's up?" I say. "Nothing just needed some time away from the cameras and noise" he says.

"Well there has been no break since the reaping" I say.

"Clove, you are not going to change are you?" he says.

"Of course not" I say annoyed.

"Well it's just that I feel like you have changed since I first met you" he says.

"How?" I say still annoyed.

"Your fiery attitude is never there when we are around the cameras" he says. "My fiery attitude?" I say laughing. "yeah it can scare me sometimes" he says.

"Just I don't want to feel like your different, I want you to be the same girl with the knives I met when we were 9" he says.

I don't say anything, I just kiss him gently and walk away. Could what he said be true? That I have changed since the reaping or even since I have started training.

But the only thing I know that is true is that the boy with the sword and ice blue eyes is slowly slipping away from me.

Final Author's note:

Hey everyone, first of all thank you to everyone who has voted and commented on this story. Please recommend this fan fiction to anyone who is a fan of the hunger games and ships Clato. Please vote and let me know if you enjoyed this fan-fiction.

I have chose a name for my sequel it called A life of a victor: Cloves story so please go and check that out, Thank you 1dlover20000 for helping me pick the name for the sequel.


Sorry for all the updates but I just wanted to thank you all for 5k reads!!!!!! I can't even tell you how happy I am thank you sooooo much and thank you to those who have voted for this story ily all :) xoxox

Also please could you check out the sequel, since this is my first story on wattpad I didn't really add any plot twists or new characters and it is exactly like the original hunger games but in Cloves POV and involves Clato. But my sequel is a lot better and has loads of plot twists and new characters so it would be great if you could check it out :)

Thanks for reading! :)

- Aimee xoxo

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