Chapter 20

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Chapter 20: The victor

Cato and Katniss fight until Cato gets Katniss in a headlock. We stand there frozen, none of us sure what to do. If Cato kills Katniss then Peeta will kill me, if Peeta kills me Cato will kill Katniss.

I look back down at the mutts and then I struggle until I get a grip on the knife in my pocket. I stab Peeta twice in the stomach and he lets go. I push him over into the mutts. "NO PEETA!!!" screams Katniss.

There is only a few screams and then the cannon. Cato let's go of Katniss. She looks at us, I throw my last 2 knives, one at her leg and one at her stomach. She gives out a cry of pain and suddenly I'm thinking about her little sister and how Katniss volunteered. I turn away and let Cato finish her off, Cato stabs her in the heart. The cannon goes and the sky gets lighter.

The mutts disappear and we slide off the cornucopia. I feel faint and I have lost a lot of blood from my leg. Cato kneels beside me and kisses my forehead. "It's ok we are going home now" he says.

The trumpets sound and Claudius Templesmith announces us as the victors. I hug Cato and I'm still holding onto him when the hovercraft takes us up.

Once we are inside, Cato is rushed off to be treated. I get given a glass of orange juice, it looks weird in my bloody hands. I drink it all at once and then a doctor comes up to me and looks at my leg I get lead into a white room with no windows, just a white bed with several machines next to it.

I am strapped onto the bed. Then I'm suddenly worried, why are they strapping me down? I think. They look at my leg and hook machines up to me. I then frantically start to try and wriggle out of the straps, I'm nearly out when someone jabs a needle in my arm and I fall unconscious.

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