Chapter 6

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Chapter 6: Journey to the arena

When I wake up, I order a big breakfast to give me strength. My clothes for the arena have been laid out for me. Once I get changed I head out of my room and over to the elevator. I'm about to leave when I remember the ring, that Cato gave me. I run back to my room and slip it on my finger, it fits perfectly.

I walk back out my room and see Indigo and Louis, I say goodbye and give them a hug, I realise that this could be the last time I see them.

"Thanks for everything!" I say.

"It has been a pleasure to be your escort Clove, good luck for the arena" says Indigo.

I enter the elevator and I suddenly start to feel really nervous. As I step out of the elevator on to the hovercraft platform, I spot Cato, I walk over to him. "See you in the arena" he says.

"You bet" I say. I walk off to take my seat in the hovercraft, with the other tributes. My stomach turns as the hovercraft takes off. After 5 minutes, a peacekeeper injects my tracker into my right arm, now they will be able to locate me when I'm in the arena. When I get off the hovercraft, I go into a small room under the arena itself, to meet Enobaria.

A small lunch has been laid out for us. As we eat lunch, she gives me some last advice about what to do in the arena. She makes me drink plenty of water, I start to press on my tracker that is inside my arm, after a while it starts to hurt.

After we are finished I put on my jacket and say my final goodbyes to Enobaria. A female voice is telling us that it's only 20 seconds to launch. "I know you can do this Clove!" she says. Then the female voice is back saying only 10 seconds to launch. I walk over to the glass tube. "Good luck" says Enobaria. This is the last thing I hear before the glass closes around the metal plate.

Then I can feel the plate rising, I'm lifted into the arena and then I hear the legendary Claudius Templesmith say "Ladies and gentlemen let the 74th annual Hunger games begin"

Clato forever: Cloves storyWhere stories live. Discover now