Chapter 15

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Chapter 15: The feast

"Attention, attention tributes, there will be a feast tomorrow at the cornucopia and this is no ordinary feast, each of you need something desperately" Claudius Templesmiths voice woke me up.

"What do we need?" I say.
"Probably some body armour, to protect against Katniss' arrows" says Cato. "Shall we work out a plan?" I say. "Ok, but first lets eat" says Cato.

As we eat the rest of the chicken and rice, we try and think of a plan.
"Umm Cato is it ok if I get Katniss" I say. "She might not even come" he says. "medicine for lover boy, he is still alive" I say.
"Ok, but make sure you give the audience a good show" He says.
"Don't worry I will" I say.
"What about you?" I say.
"I will get Peeta or Thresh, Foxface might not come" says Cato.

For the rest of the day we discuss our plan and get ready for tommorow. We collect some fruit to eat, we get a bunch of blueberries and raspberries. "Let's get to sleep early so we are well rested" I say.

We wake up early, and hide in the trees around the cornucopia. We eat a breakfast of berries and drink plenty of water, so we are well prepared.
"When Katniss runs you chase her, I will get lover boy or Thresh" says Cato.
"Ok I will, I will get the backpack as well" I say. We hug and position ourselves. As I watch Cato take his place around 100 meters away, I see Foxface dart out and grab her backpack. Katniss will be next, I think.

I grab my knife ready to throw, then I see Katniss run out. I run as fast as I can, on the other side of the cornucopia, so Katniss can't see me. As she comes round I throw a knife that slits open her forehead. She shoots two arrows but misses. I smash into her knocking her to the ground. We wrestle for a minute, until I pin her down and she can't get up.

"Where's lover boy?" I snarl. "I see you we're here to help him, well that's sweet" I try and put on a good show.
"It's to bad you couldn't help your friend Rue" I say.
"PEETA!" screams Katniss. I jam my fist into her windpipe so she can't talk. I look around and I don't see lover boy. "liar" I shout. "He is nearly dead Cato knows where he cut him" I open my jacket and pick out my most cruel looking blade. "I promised Cato that if he let me have you I'd put on a good show". "I think we will start with your mouth, want to blow lover boy one last kiss?" I ask her. Then she spits blood and saliva all over my face. "lets start then" I say.

Just as I'm about to start, I feel someone grab my fist and yank me off Katniss' body. I'm too stunned at first, but then I see Thresh holding me up, looking angry. "What did you do to that girl? Did you kill her!?" He shouts. "" I stutter.
"You said her name!?" He shouts. He is on about Rue, she was his district partner. "CATO, CATO!!" I scream.
"Clove!" I here Cato reply but he is far away. He smashes me twice against the cornucopia and I hit the ground.

I lay there motionless, my last breaths leaving my body. Thresh and Katniss flee and I'm alone. Then I see Cato crash through the trees. "Clove" he cries. "Cato" I whisper. He kneels beside me. He leans down and gently kisses me. "Win for me Cato" I say.
"Clove stay with me, please don't leave me!" He cries. I grab his hand and hold it tightly. "I love you" he says, tears are falling down his cheek. I say my last words "I love you too"

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