Chapter 21

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Chapter 20: The victors night

I wake up in the same room, except no machines are hooked up to me and there is no one in the room except me. My dinner has been set on the table next to me. It is only a small bowl of soup and after I'm finished I'm still starving. I get out of bed and see that my skin is smooth and my leg wound is gone. Then I notice the ring that Cato gave me, my engagement ring. I slip it onto my finger.

"Cato..." I whisper. I wonder where he is. I only have a thin robe on and I feel cold. The door slides open and sitting around a table is Indigo, Enobaria, Louis and my prep team. "There she is our little victor!" says Indigo. They all come and congratulate me and hug me, until I finally ask "Where's Cato?"
"Don't worry, you will see him later" says Indigo. "Now let's get you ready!" says Louis.

The hovercraft lands outside the training centre and I am lead back into the old prep room. My prep team wash my hair and curl it, they put a rose coloured eyeshadow and matching lipstick on me. Then they paint my nails a pale pink colour. Then they hand me over to Louis.
"I'm guessing my dress is pink" I say.
"Yep, to match your makeup and nails" he says. I get dressed in a strapless pink dress with flat pink shoes. "It is amazing" I say.

I follow Louis out of the room and head over to the elevator. As I ride down the faces of 22 dead tributes flash across my mind. We I am backstage I see Enobaria standing there. "What should I say in the interview?" I ask.
"Just be yourself and remember it's your night so enjoy it" she says.
I wait until mine and Cato stylists, prep teams, mentors and escorts have been introduced to go on. Then me and Cato are introduced the crowd goes wild when we walk on. I see Cato walking across the stage and without hesitation I run over and hug him tightly. He looks so amazing in his suit that I hardly recognise him.

We take a seat on the plush sofa, then Caesar Flickerman asks us a few questions.
"So I just want to ask something that's on everyone's mind, the engagement?" he says. "Well I've loved Clove ever since I met her and since at the time we knew both of us couldn't make it out of the arena I just wanted to show her how much I loved her" says Cato.
"And Clove how do you feel about this" says Caesar.
"Well I guess that goes for both of us" I say. "Well we were so caught up in Katniss and Peeta's love story that we didn't realise that you were the real star crossed lover" says Caesar.

Then we have to watch the highlights of the games, we watch the reaping, opening ceremony, the interviews and then the games. Then the anthem plays and we are lead off stage. We meet up with everyone. "Great job" says Brutus. "Thanks" I say. Then we head back to our room in the training centre for dinner.

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