Chapter 2

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They were at a plantation that the Mikaelsons owned since it was secluded from the Quarter. Stiles and Hayley were trying to clean off some of the rooms that were extremely dusty. They could tell that the family hadn't been there for a while by the lack of maintenance.

"Are you guys okay?" Elijah asked as he walked into a random room the duo was in.

"It is just dust. This place is ancient," Stiles said as he looked around the huge room.

"Yes, it should serve our purposes. It is a sanctuary from our business in the Quarter," Elijah explains as he walks over to them.

"Right, now you are the most important person in this family. You need a good home." Elijah looks over to Hayley and maintains eye contact to show he wasn't lying. Stiles could practically feel the sexual tension that was rising between them.

"Are you okay?" Stiles questions in efforts to break the tension. He was preoccupied with trying to save her life and telling her about his past that he never got to ask her how she was doing.

"About having a miracle baby with a psychotic one-night stand," She comments sarcastically.

"About being a mother," Stiles rephrased.

"I-I-I-I was abandon when I was born and my adoptive parents kicked me out the second that I turned into a wolf. So, I don't know how I feel about being a mother because I never really had a good one," She expresses her doubt and Stiles looks at her with sympathy.

"I will always protect you. You have my word on that," Elijah promises instead with empathy.

"You have my word too. That is what pack is for," Stiles promised in return and gave her a side hug which causes her to smile.

"The noble Elijah and whoever this is I presume always keeps their word," Klaus says as he leans against the door, arms crossed, and a mischievous smile plastered on his face.

"Ah, Klaus the defiant, ill-mannered, and temperamental hybrid. Your brother has told me so much about you. I am Stiles by the way and before you ask 'What is a Stiles?' It is a nickname because you won't be able to pronounce my real one," Stiles bluntly introduces himself and he saw Klaus shooting daggers at Elijah. Stiles heard Hayley trying to cover her laughter with cough while he saw Elijah at the corner of his eye sporting an amused look on his face.

"What is going to stop me from killing you right here, right now?" Klaus threatens angrily.

"Brother-" Elijah starts but Stiles cuts him off.

"No, Elijah I got this. You can't kill me because I am a very deadly supernatural creature that can be used as a benefit and I am certain you need all the help you can get Klaus," Stiles sasses with a devilish smirk and glowed his red eyes.

"What are you then?" Klaus asked venomously.

"You will find out in time but for now let's get back to the situation at hand. That would be the witches and Marcel with his vampires. So do tell how you regained Marcel's trust again and handling the witches," Stiles suggests then motioned for him to speak. He turned to see Elijah and Hayley look at him in astonishment. He was able to avoid getting himself killed as well as shutting up thee Klaus Mikaelson.

Stiles walks over to Hayley protectively at her side just in case Klaus tries something. No matter how gorgeous the man is Stiles didn't trust him.

Klaus walks over to Elijah and states, "Your underhanded deal worked quite well. Marcel was only too happy to accept my blood even if he accepted my heartfelt apologies. His man Thierry yet lived and I remained a welcome guest in the French Quarter. My only concern now is this coven of witches."

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