Chapter 29

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Cami poured Marcel another drink as he continued on to say, "Cami, me calling things off with you wasn't lack of interest. I was hoping to save you from all of this."

Cami gave a bitter smile before replying, "Thanks, Romeo, but I'm in it. So when are you gonna get to the good part with Klaus and that Papa guy?"

Stiles hums in interest and leans more into Marcel's shoulder while his mind went fuzzy. He was more buzzed than he was blackout drunk, so he decided to tap out on any more of the drinking. He's been taking sips of water here and there.

"Why don't you know this? I thought you were his biographer," Marcel questions curiously.

"We haven't gotten there yet. He's mostly talking about how Rebekah and Elijah haven't been seeing his way recently with a splash of the past here and there. Mostly the hybrid ritual, some of the things he's done to escape his father, and many of his 'admirable' treacheries. Whatever that means. He doesn't go in chronological order with his past," Stiles slurs. He smacks his lips together before taking a sip of his water.

"Ah, he's trying to butter you up, getting you to sympathize with him so you'll be more agreeable," Marcel states and thinks of his past. His father figure did the same tactic many different times on many different occasions growing up.

"Well, he has a weird way of doing it. I don't know if it's old age or whatever but the guy needs new tricks. So far I want to rip his throat out and stick the devil's horns up to his ass," Stiles mutters angrily, more so to himself. Cami chuckles as well as Marcel. The vampire replies, "He has that effect on most people."

"Hey, you're stalling. Continue with the story," Cami scolds him and Marcel just sighs in defeat.

"Papa Tunde said he wanted to empower the witches. Mostly, he wanted money and territory. Klaus and Elijah weren't about to give him either. He didn't like that so he went on a rampage. No one was safe... not the humans in the faction, not the Guerrero werewolves. He even went after the witches that opposed him. Elijah offered a truce, he gave his word in fact but Klaus being Klaus, had another idea. He figured out that the symbol his son's possessed on their forehead was Tunde's way of taking their power and making him stronger. He killed Tunde's sons and brought their heads to him in a basket. Just like how Tunde did with the Mayor. Tunde threatened to kill Klaus but he never had the chance. Klaus took the pleasure of killing Tunde himself," Marcel explains the last bit of the story to them. Trying to get them to understand the severity of being opposed to Klaus Mikaelson.

"That's horrible. Stiles, why aren't you having any reactions to this?" Cami questions Stiles as she scrunches her nose in disgust to Klaus' actions.

"Angel, I've seen similar things happen. Also, I've also heard worse stories from the man. To Klaus, this is just business," Stiles states with an unfazed shrug and Marcel nods in agreement to the younger man's words.

"And don't you think there's something fundamentally wrong with that? Don't you worry either of you will end up one of his victims, or worse, just like him? You both are already desensitized to how wrong his actions are," Cami scolds in worry. She was not used to seeing her cousin so unfazed by the violence around him. She was used to her being the one to stick up for him and helping him when he was down; not for him to be so nonchalant about the dangers all around him.

"Cami there's just things you don't understand yet-" Stiles tries to justify his reaction but he was cut off by a deep voice. All three of them turn to see a man in a white suit walk into the bar.

"Poor Marcellus. You remain always in the shadow of your father. Climb out from beneath it, will you, so you can die like a man," Papa Tunde mocks.

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