Chapter 6

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Stiles decided to go to the bar and visit Cami and Rebekah tagged along with him.

They were at the bar, sitting while Rebekah was explaining her edited story about why she came back to New Orleans. She obviously made sure to leave the supernatural parts out.

"And so, then I moved back here to be closer to my brothers because-- let's face it--family is important, right, Camille?" Rebekah kept going on.

"Cami. I have to change this name tag.  Drunk guys keep hitting on me in French." She said while looking at her name tag in distain.

"Any in particular? Do you want me to handle them?" Stiles asked as his overprotective side started showing.

"No, just the regular bums that think they have a chance." She reassures him.

"You sure you haven't been in here before? Your face looks so familiar." Cami asked Rebekah unsurely.

"You must have seen me out and about. Aren't you dating Marcel Gerard?" Rebekah asked and Cami looked a little uncomfortable.

"If he hurts you in any way, come to me," Stiles said sternly. Giving her a knowing glare that he would do something about it.

"Fine. But he is a very powerful businessman in New Orleans. How are you gonna take him down?" She asked him like he was insane.

"There some things you don't understand Angel. I got friends and I have dealt with people like Marcel before." Stiles informed her as he took a sip out of his drink.

"He's also a pal of mine... sort of," Rebekah said and he slightly scoffed at that statement. "I heard he had a crush on the blonde bartender at Rousseau's." Rebekah finished but not before she gave an eye roll at his scoff. Acknowledging that she heard it and wasn't appreciative of it.

"I would hardly call it dating. He's wooing me... sort of. I don't know. He's very charming, which probably means I should run for the hills." Cami clarifies as she puts away the glasses on the counter.

"Run very very fast. But knowing we are related you would run to it than from it." Stiles observes with a frown in disapproval.

"I'm kinda in an On-again/ off-again thing myself at the moment," Rebekah confessed solemnly and he rubbed her arm in comfort. They might not always get along but that doesn't mean he can't care for her even in the short amount of time he has known her.

"Those are the worst, aren't they? The ones you can't shake, even though you know better, and you always know better." Cami said from experience.

"You mean like Brad and James," Stiles acknowledges with a mischievous smile.

"Don't remind me. I wish I was never so naive as a teenager. I probably wouldn't have gotten that DUI in Senior year if I had just stayed home instead of sneaking out to go have some fun with them." She said with a frown. Extremely disappointed in her younger self.

"Your parents were pissed when we had to go pick you up. You were so lucky that my dad was friends with the cop that caught you." Stiles said laughing.

"I like you, Cami. Most girls have the unfortunate tendency of whiny, little wits." Rebekah said with a smile.

"Thanks... I think." Cami replied with an unsure smile.

"Hey, Stiles and I are supposed to go to this posh charity thing thrown by this philanthropist tonight. He's a bit of a Gatsby, throws a mean party. Any interest?" Rebekah invites her. Stiles was livid at the thought of his cousin possibly attending the party were most of the party guests will be vampires looking for a snack.


They headed over to the couches far away from Cami and they call Klaus after Rebekah told Stiles why she invited Cami. To say that he was furious was an understatement.

"Little sister and Stiles," Klaus greets as he answered the phone.

"Well, brother, I believe I've made certain Marcel will be properly distracted tonight. Let's just say that Stiles is not too happy with the arrangement." Rebekah says with a smirk and Stiles just glares harshly at her.

"Dare I ask?" Klaus responds.

"Let's just say his attention will not be on us. I did my bit. What are you doing to ensure Elijah safe return?" Rebekah asked Klaus anxiously.

"Currently, I'm preparing insurance against the tender-hearted," Klaus answers vaguely.

"Meaning?" Stiles asked curiously as he took the phone away from Rebekah's hands.

"We need proper motivation for Katie to cast a powerful spell tonight. I'm creating that motivation. Marcel has ordered a rousting of the witches. I, in turn, have arranged for things to go tragically wrong. Marcel might not be concerned with Thierry's romantic entanglements... but there are other crimes which he'll be less inclined to so easily forgive... Killing a vampire, for example. That would be unforgivable. If Katie hopes to save her one true love from Marcel's punishment, well, a rescue mission like that will require something positively magical, but then... What's worth dying for if not love?" He explained his plan and one tear came out of Stiles' eye.

"Nothing," Stiles answers rigidly and then ends the call. He wiped the tear away and Rebekah looks at him weirdly. Clearly confused at Stiles's sudden mood change.

"What?" Stiles asks slightly annoyed from her staring.

"Why are you so upset?" She asked sounding concerned.

"I was in the same position as Theirry once. I was framed for killing someone because I was protecting my father. Klaus is like another version of a person in my past. He twisted the story so they thought I did it on purpose out of cold blood but it was actually an accident.  I had warned my best friend and all my other friends but they never listened until things got too bad. We were able to make it out alive but this time I am not sure who is going to live or die," He explained and he saw her looking at him solemnly.

"Well, I can assure you that you and the people you care for won't die. Not everyone makes it alive out of the war but I am pretty sure you will." She said in efforts to comfort him and he gave her a nod in acknowledgment.


Stiles was getting ready for the party and Hayley was in his room reading a book she found.

"Are you sure you want me to go?" Stiles asked her as he was putting his tie on.

"Yes, I can handle one night by myself. Go kick some ass and the more help they get the faster we are out of dangers way." She told him.

"You are pregnant with a Mikaelson baby. I don't think we will ever get out of dangers way." Stiles confesses as he struggled to put his damn tie on.

"Well, we can at least try to make ourselves as safe as possible. Plus, you need to get laid. You are too tense so go find yourself someone and have a little fun. Having a one-night stand can do you some good." She said as she got up to go fix his tie.

"How much good did that do you?" He asked her as he glanced at her stomach. She gasped in surprise by his comment but replied anyway.

"Touché," She comments with an amused smile.

"I have to help Klaus and Rebekah. I don't think I will have time to think about getting some action." He said with a smile.

"Whatever, be safe and have fun." She says as she finished his tie and pats his shoulder.

"Thank you, if anything at all and I mean anything, you call," He says sternly as he grabs his phone and wallet to put in his pockets.

"Yeah, yeah." She said as she rolls her eyes and goes back to reading.

"Bye," He said as he gave her a kiss on the top of her head.

"Bye." She says back as he headed out the bedroom.


Author's Note:

I hope you guys like the chapter.

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