Chapter 28

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I was going to do the whole episode to cut down on the chapter space, but my god I couldn't. It was getting closer to 3000 words, and I'm exhausted right now, and my computer battery is barely hanging on by its fingertips. I wanted to get this out right now, so you guys could have something, and make up for my lack of updating. I'll see if I could get the other half up tomorrow, but no promises. Knowing me I'd sleep in till 11.

After the rituals, Klaus was called to Mystic Falls to attend to matters that Stiles could care less about. He didn't need to know about Klaus' time in Mystic Falls after the brief stories from Hayley, or the tensed looks from Elijah when the small town was brought up.

The real kicker was that Klaus didn't directly tell Stiles about his short trip to the small town. Stiles was roaming around the compound when he realized it was too quiet. He wasn't hearing the tantrums of the vampire. He ended up bumping into Elijah who informed him of his brother's whereabouts. Stiles gave Elijah a quick thank you before quietly scowling his way back to his room to rant to Hayley about the dickness of her baby daddy.

"You knew he left?" Stiles asked. He was massaging his temples as he paced back and forth in his room. If he continued any longer he could possibly wear out the wooden tiles.

"I thought he told you. How was I supposed to know that he wasn't going to tell you? Honestly, I thought besides Elijah you were going to be the first one who knew," Hayley explains to her stressed friend, but in all honesty, she was somewhat amused. Yes, she was annoyed that Klaus didn't bother to tell Stiles about his plans to leave but to see Stiles upset really shows how much her friend does feel for Klaus.

"That little shit couldn't even bother to tell me he was leaving. For what? Because he stuck his dick up my ass, and now he's being all distant about it. Well, guess what? It was his idea and now he can't even inform me of information. Yeah, I know I'm not his boyfriend and I am not entitled to anything, but come on. If I had to leave for a couple of days I would have let him know. It's called having some fucking decency," Stiles rants as his temper rises. Stiles knows many people who knew how to push his buttons, but Klaus Mikaelson was on a whole other level. There was just something about Klaus Mikaelson that made Stiles want to punch and kiss all at the same time.

"He'll be back in a few days. Then you could take all your anger out on him," Hayley suggested as she types away on her phone.

"What are you doing?" Stiles asked suspiciously when he noticed her lack of eye contact.

"Derek went out to get breakfast, but I told him to get you an extra beignet because you definitely need it," Hayley stated with a snort and smiled when she saw Stile pout and lay on the bed.

"You're not wrong," Stiles grumbles as he pulls out his phone and starts playing some mind-numbing game to keep his mind occupied while he waits for his food.


A few days later, Klaus comes back with a more energetic and peppy attitude that irritates the life out of Stiles. He knows that glow anywhere, anyone who's ever had good enough sex knows that glow. Now, Stiles doesn't pride himself on a lot of things, but being petty is something he isn't ashamed of admitting.

So when Klaus enters the compound -with a bright smile towards Stiles' way- Stiles just gives him a blank stare. He walks towards Marcel and takes a sip of his drink; not even bothering to give him another glance.

"Dearest brethren, your attention, please. No doubt, you're all surprised to see Thierry Vanchure, who's supposed to be rotting in the garden for the crime of killing one of our own, and I personally decided to issue him a pardon. I hope you all welcome home Thierry," Klaus speaks out as he lets Thierry go and hug Diego. Everyone else giving applause of thanks and enthusiasm, while Marcel and Stiles just keep their expressions blank.

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