Chapter 20

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Stiles woke up with a gasp, only to find himself tied up.

He saw Hayley struggling with taking off the bondages but she couldn't. She looked over to him, ready to speak but he shushed her. He brought his leg up to break the back window of the car. That shocked the driver to which made him pull over.

The driver got out of the car and opened the back to which Stiles and Hayley were being held. Stiles and Hayley started kicking him but he held onto their legs and tide them down.

"Seriously?" The kidnapper asked annoyed.

"Tyler?" Hayley asked shocked.

"You don't want to fight me, Hayley. You know you can't beat a hybrid," Tyler said as he picked both of them up and started carrying them.

"As someone who is being kidnapped right now, I'd like to say I would fight you. I also don't give a flying fuck if you are a hybrid. I can beat your dumbass any day. The only reason, I ain't putting my moves on you is because you cheated and put wolfsbane in my system," Stiles exclaimed, outraged.

"Let us go you backstabbing half-breed piece of shit!" She shouted.

"Shut up!" Tyler responded.

"Freedom of speech, bitch! Don't talk to her like that," Stiles struggled more.

"The fucking reason I took you is for leverage. I can hurt you as much as I please. Keep your mouth shut or you'll regret it," Tyler seethed through his teeth as a threat.

"Huh, usually guys like my mouth when it's open. Maybe if you got laid every once and a while you wouldn't be so uptight and decided to kidnap people," Stiles argued.

Tyler didn't respond for the rest of the walk. He took them to an old house in the bayou. He set them down on the porch.

"What is this place?" Hayley asked confused.

"The armpit of Louisana," Tyler stated bluntly.

"Good to know you have taste," Stiles said sarcastically. Tyler took out a knife and Hayley got worried.

"What are you gonna do with that?" Hayley asked as she shifted a little.

"Depends on both of you," Tyler responded.

"You attacked us, remember. You attacked us in our own house." Hayley argued.

"It is not your house. It's Klaus'. You are shacked up in that mansion with that psycho, a long way from the girl I met in the Appalachians helping other werewolves." Tyler said and he looked hurt just by seeing her again.

"Tyler, I am sorry but a lot has happened since the last time I saw you," Hayley pleaded.

"You mean like how you are pregnant? A hybrid baby. Yeah. I know all about it. I've been roaming around the bayou, asking questions. Let me tell you what I learned. This crescent birthmark means you come from a big shot family, some kind of royalty to the werewolves in this region, and right here, this is all that's left of them." Tyler ranted as he pushed aside her sweater to reveal her birthmark. A lady popped out but before they could ask for help, she ran away.

"You touch her one more time, I will cut your hands off," Stiles growls.

"They have been in the woods hiding because they have been persecuted for decades by vampires," Tyler explained.

Another werewolf came out but he looked more hostile. "Is that her?" He asked.

"Yeah, Dwayne. Get them both inside." Tyler ordered before he walked away. They were tied down to something heavy.

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