Chapter 19

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Sophie told them to take Hayley outside near the pool.

"She's burning up," Elijah said as he took off his jacket and Rebekah put a towel around Hayley.

"We need to do this now," Stiles said as he went over to Hayley.

"Get her in the water," Sophie said urgently.

"Elijah, help," Stiles said as he picked up Hayley.

They both carried her into the pool.

"I don't see how a midnight swim is supposed to help," Rebekah told Sophie as she and Derek were mixing the ingredients.

"Her temperature is sky high, and the water, with the help of the herbs, should cool her down," Derek said as he put the rest of the herbs in a small cup and handed it to Sophie.

Sophie quickly ran to the pool and made Hayley drink it.

"How do you know about this?" Rebekah asked him.

"I've traveled and picked up a few things. In some places, witches tend to get along with werewolves." Derek told her.

"You are gonna have to help keep her heart rate down," Sophie told Elijah and Stiles.

"How do you suggest that?" Elijah asked.

"Hold her," Sophie said.

"It's a natural human remedy to slow the heart rate down and reduce blood pressure. It was how my mom got me to calm down and sleep." Stiles said as his grip on Hayley tightened.

"This is never gonna work," Rebekah said with much negativity.

"Davina will break the link. We just need time." Elijah with optimism.

Hayley was panting in agony.

"It's okay, you are gonna be okay," Stiles mumbled in Hayley's ear and gave her a kiss on the top of her head.

A few minutes later and it seemed to get worse.

"I can't breath." She gasped as if she was drowning.

"Hayley, look at me. Take long deep breaths. Just focus on the sound of my voice." Elijah advised her.

Her breathing got slower, pacing herself.

She then started screaming with such pain but then Sophie spoke, "I just felt it lift."

Hayley stopped screaming and sighed in relief.

Sophie took her earring off to prick herself.

Elijah looked to see if it made a mark on Hayley and it didn't.

Elijah and Hayley held a gaze for a while before he broke it.

"Let's go," Elijah said as he put an arm around her and Stiles.

"Elijah, Stiles, as soon as Klaus finds out that the link is broken, he'll kill Agnes. I know you both don't owe me anything but please don't let him kill her." Sophie pleaded.

Elijah let go of both of them and vamped out of the pool, grabbing his jacket.

"Elijah, she's our only access to the power we need to survive. Promise me that you'll stop him." Sophie pleaded again.

Elijah took out his phone and made a phone call.

"It's me. Where are you? Don't hurt her, I'll be there shortly." Elijah said and hung up the phone.

"I'll make you one last promise. I won't let my brother kill Agnes." Elijah said before he left and Sophie sighed in relief.

Sophie went to get out of the pool when Stiles grabbed her arm.

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