Chapter 35

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Author's Note: Wow, last time I posted was last year, crazy man. Anyway, I had wanted to let Stiles have a one night stand with someone and it was almost Oliver but then I rewatched some of the scenes with him and he's just too much of douchebag.

I get it, he can't just immediately trust Hayley but he just always bugged me. Also, how could Stiles have amazing sex with Klaus to just have sub-par sex with Oliver? To me, Oliver acts like he has a big dick but his huge ego is just making up for what he doesn't have. I just need someone better.

I had thought of someone but I think if I do make Stiles go through with it it's just going to cause too much drama.

The wolves of Jackson's pack were fighting each other in a friendly competition to see who was the strongest wolf. It was their way of celebrating the mobility in their new bodies as they were no longer forced to live in their wolf form. Derek even joined for fun as he forgot what it felt like to be apart of a pack that was raised in the customs of a born-werewolf. Even though he was a different breed of werewolf it didn't take away from the fact that they all understood the curse of being supernatural.

Stiles was cheering Derek on as Hayley leaned over to whisper in Jackson's ear, "Shouldn't you be out there playing fight club with the rest of the frat boys?"

Jackson laughed at her comment as he watched his pack members. He explained, "Nah, that's just for pecking order-" Jackson turned his head to face Hayley with a cocky smirk before he remarks, "-They already know who's alpha."

Derek was able to get his opponent in a chock hold before flipping the guy, roughly on his back. Stiles jumped up in the excitement and yelled, "Yeah! Go, Derek!"

Derek's opponent was too tired to get back up which signaled that Derek had won. Jackson yelled out, "Next up." Derek walked to the group as sweat was gliding down his dirty face and his chest was glistening as he chose not to wear a shirt during the fight. Stiles laughed in victory as he tossed Derek a towel and a water bottle over.

"You fight like that more often and you wouldn't be losing so many fights," Stiles teased as Derek drank some water before pouring it all over his skin to cool down himself and trying to get as much dirt off of him. He wiped his chest down with the towel before Stiles handed him a tank-top.

"I don't know what you are talking about. I'm an excellent fighter," Derek denied as he put on his shirt and ran a hand through his damp hair. Stiles teasingly scoffed and gave Derek a light tap on the shoulder as he said, "Yeah, Scott kicked your furry ass when he was still a beta."

Derek shook his head in disagreement and pointed at Stiles when saying, "Nope, if I remember correctly I was just going easy on him. He just needed to let his anger out and it wouldn't have been fair to just beat him on the spot. "

Stiles laughed at the statement and responded, "Okay, whatever you say Sourwolf."

Hayley tapped on his shoulder and announced, "When you two are done flirting you guys can come to help us set up the tables for the feast."

Stiles rolled his eyes at the mention of flirting but replied, "Yeah, we'll be there in a sec."

Hayley nodded her head before walking off with Jackson. Stiles turned towards Derek and said, "If you want to help that's totally fine but dude, you need to take a shower first." Derek tilted his head to smell his underarms and winced at the brutal smell. He faced Stiles again and says, "Yeah, you're not wrong. I guess winning has a smell to it."

Stiles laughs once again before pushing Derek away and walking in the opposite direction towards Hayley and Jackson.


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