Chapter 7

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Stiles finally got to the party

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Stiles finally got to the party. He searches the crowd for a moment until his eyes land on Klaus and Rebekah. He walks up behind them and says, "Well, this certainly is a fitting backdrop for tonight's event, I must say." The siblings turned around with an amusing smile.

"Well don't you look dashing," Rebekah compliments and he accepts it with a blushing smile.

"I found out about the party last minute, so I searched through Elijah's closet. I somehow managed to find something," Stiles confesses as he observes the scenery. He looks back at them and returns the compliment, "I must say that both of you look amazing."

"Why thank you." They reply in unison.

Stiles looked over to see his cousin coming in as beautiful as ever. It was ironic that she comes in as an angel.

"What's she doing here?" Klaus asked shocked.

"Better way to distract Marcel than to put his very human, a new girl in a room chock full of vampires?" Rebekah smugly retorted and Stiles growled rather loudly.

"If anything happens to her then I will..." Stiles goes to make a threat, but was interrupted by Rebekah. She flashes her fangs and growls, "Or what?"

He shakes his head unaffected. "Remember, I am worth more alive than dead, and better to have me as an ally than an enemy," Stiles grumbles before he walks away to talk to his cousin, but Rebekah dared to follow closely behind.

"Cami, you look amazing." Stiles pulls her into an embrace and Cami greens under the compliment.

"Hello, darling. You look precious." Rebekah interjects after they finish their hug.

"This party is ridiculous, but I think I could get to enjoy this place," Cami comments while she looks around at all the exotic things going on around them.

Stiles felt Klaus staring at them and Cami does too. "Is he the infamous on-again/ off-again?" Cami asks Rebekah, feeling Klaus's intense gaze. In turn, she gives Klaus a flat stare.

"He's the brother, actually, and Stiles and my sister are right. You do look stunning," Klaus answers as he made his way towards them.

Cami's demeanor shifts, realizing he wasn't the problematic ex. "You clean up pretty well yourself."

"Save the flirting for Marcel, please, " Stiles interrupts with a mock grimace. He looks to Cami with a cheeky grin and teases, "Do not be fooled either. Klaus is the devil in disguise."

"You guys chat. I need some booze." Rebekah says before she heads off.

"You guys both save me a dance. I have someone to talk too." Stiles excuses himself, but he saw both of them give him a look as if they knew it something else.

"Who?" Cami asks worriedly. Her once cool demeanor deflates and her shoulders squaring.

"Don't worry, angel. It won't end in a fight." Stiles dismisses, and the joke seems to ease Cami because she chuckles. It not uncommon for him to call her angel either. She was always the peacekeeper when they were younger. He would get into some trouble because he couldn't keep his comments to himself, and she got him out of most of it.

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