Chapter 15

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"What's the matter, Rebekah? You cross that I'm out with your ex?" Nik taunted his little sister.

"What is all that dreadful hillbilly ruckus in the background?" She asked in distaste.

"According to the dreadful signage, it's Big Auggie's Bayou Bar."

"Well, order up a few rounds of moonshine and stay clear of the dead witches for a few. The witch is on a burial mission, your baby mama is on a spirit quest, and Stiles and I are keeping the promise to Elijah to keep her safe but I also have to take care of him as well. So stall, please." Rebekah pleaded as she walked through the bayou.

"Can you put him on the phone for a minute?" Klaus asked after a moment of silence.

"Fine," Rebekah said before handing the phone toward Stiles.

"Hello, Stiles speaking," Stiles answered as he tries to avoid any animal feces.

"Love, why can't you just stay home with Hayley as a sane person would do?" Klaus asked.

"She was going to come anyway, might as well be there instead of constant unnecessary arguing," Stiles responded honestly and he heard Klaus sigh on the other end.

"Fine, just try to avoid getting caught," Klaus said rubbing his forehead.

"Okay, bye," Stiles said before ending the call. He handed the phone back to Rebekah.

"So this harvest thingy, tell me more," Stiles spoke up as they mindlessly wander around the bayou searching for dead witch corpses.

"Klaus said to wait," Sophie said.

"Yes, he also said we shouldn't be in the bayou but here we are," Stiles argued, throwing his hands in the air to empathize with his point.

"We are here." Rebekah cut in as she saw the corpses.

"Now that's just gross. Killing people is one thing but looking at corpses that are in the process of decomposition is just plain out nasty." Stiles said scrunching up his nose at the sight and smell of them.

"Whoa," Hayley gasped as she saw a wolf paw tracks in the dirt and claw scratch on the tree.

"Is that a wolf track?" Sophie asked and they heard something snap.

"Who's there?" Rebekah asked threateningly.

"Have you not seen any scary movie ever? Anyone who ever asked 'who's there' usually ends up dead." Stiles said frantically.

"Well lucky for you, I can't be killed," Rebekah replied with a smug smirk.

A guy came into sight with a look of disbelief.

"What the hell? An Original and Stiles." He exclaimed before vamp speeding away.

"Your brother is going to kick our ass." Stiles randomly stated.

They called Klaus to warn him and everyone thought it would be best that Stiles would be the one to speak to him.

"Let me understand this. Against all logic, you and Hayley went to the bayou, where you ran into a man you think maybe Marcel's informant, and then you lost him." Klaus ranted in the underside of line. He was clearly frustrated.

"Yes, we have established this. Keep up, old man. And for your information, we did not lose him. We simply haven't found him yet. Now, there is a reason why I am the one talking to you and not your sister and it's to give you the bad news." Stiles said and he heard Nik scoff at the other end of the phone.

"There's more!!!"

"Yes, I am here to tell you that he's on his way right now to rat us out to Marcel. He's a skinny guy in a hurry. It looks like he saw a ghost. The less attractive version of me." Stiles said wincing.

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