Chapter 16

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Stiles and Klaus went to a cute cafe that was more secluded from the city. There was a decent amount of people in the building. It was not completely empty but it was not packed to were it felt like it was crowded and noisy.

"I'm surprised. I thought you were going to take me to some fancy restaurant," Stiles said as he took a seat across from Klaus in a booth.

"We can still go to a fancier restaurant if you do not like it here," Klaus offered and Stiles chuckled.

"What I meant was that it is nice to go somewhere simple. I am not one for extravagant," Stiles dismissed as he looked through his menu.

"You do not seem like a person to be into the extravagant lifestyle. Considering the fact that you were wearing a flannel the first time I met you and anything you picked from my closet was not the expensive clothing," Klaus simply stated.

"I guess it's nice to know that the big bad hybrid takes notice of me and maybe even cares," Stiles said smiling but the menu was hiding his face.

"Whatever you say, Love. Now, what looks good to you?" Klaus asked and Stiles just rolled his eyes and put down the menu.

"I always get clam chowder. I don't even know why I look through the menu," Stiles said running a hand through his hair.

"I will probably just get the steak, potatoes, and green beans," Klaus said as he took one last look at his menu.

"Good choice, I haven't had a steak in a while."

"Well, the clam chowder is good as well so I'm not surprised you ordered it," Klaus said chuckling.

Their waitress came over and asked for their order. She wrote it down, taking their menu and left.

"Now, do you want to talk about Marcel and your kingdom?" Stiles asked sitting up straight.

"Not tonight. I think we have had enough of that for today. Tonight is just about us and especially because you are almost as secretive as I am," Klaus said smirking. Intrigued to hear what Stiles would say.

"Ok, so what about your child? Do you plan on sheltering her or opening her eyes to the dangers that the world itself provides?" Stiles asked and he could see how Klaus tensed a little.

He knows it is a personal question but he will be there for the child right beside Hayley's side. It depends on Klaus on whether he wants to be there for the child or not. Stiles thinks it is time to see what Klaus' thoughts are.

"She will learn about the truth sooner or later, but I am not planning to expose her to it until she is out of her youthful years. I will not corrupt her innocence so young like my parents did to me and my siblings."

Stiles nodded his head in approval. It's true about what he said. Being a helicopter parent will do no good but until the child reaches a certain age of maturity she should be happy and innocent. No child should have to go through traumatizing experiences.

"Well, I will be there for Hayley and your child through every step of the way. Fair warning, I am not an open person and I am dangerously loyal to the people I love. If you were to ever lose my trust, it will take you forever to get it back," Stiles said sternly. He wanted to get that out of the way. He wanted Klaus to know his way of living and his belief and that if Klaus wanted out then he should stay out.

"I understand, another thing we have in common. I might bicker and fight my siblings to the point of self-destruction but when it comes to them threatening from someone outside of the family, there will be a blood bath," Klaus stated casually and Stiles wouldn't put it passed him that Klaus would keep his word to it.

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