Chapter 29

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[Kim Taehyung's POV]

"...Ha Neul. Ha Neul-ah!" I yelled at the girl besides me who seemed like had been zoning out for the past few minutes.

"Huh?" She raised an eyebrow as she turned her gaze towards me when she finally realized that I called her, for several times now I might add.

"What were you thinking this early morning?" My eyebrows furrowed as my eyes examining her face.

"Nothing, just uhm some chemistry homework." She scratched her temple with one of her fingers awkwardly. "Now Tae, tell me what did you say earlier." She demanded.

"Well, uhm I was just asking if you cut your hair cause it looks... different." I cleared my throat nervously.

"Ah you notice? I did cut it a little bit. Does it look that bad?" She mumbled, taking a few strands of her hair as she stared at it.

"It really suits you. You look cut─ I mean y-you look younger." I stuttered as my heart started beating faster.

"Really?" She hummed as she tilted her head to the side.

"I-I mean it's not like you look old before it's just... Well, the point is it doesn't look that bad." I said quickly before I took a deep breath and turned my face away from hers.

"Well, thankyou." She chuckled as she tucked some of her hair behind her ear.

"Why did you cut it?" I raised an eyebrow curiously.

"Uhm I just feel like it?" She let out a soft giggle, yet she didn't sound so certain to me therefore I just responded her with a nod.

Before we knew it, we finally reached the school gate and my eyes started wandering around just like what I did for the past... two months, I guess?

Well, I didn't really sure since when I cared whether Seokjin was waiting for her near the gate or not.

"I don't see him this morning..." I muttered.

"If you mean Seokjin Oppa, I asked him to stop waiting for me at the gate from now on." She replied casually.

"Why? Did you guys broke up?" My lips curled up slightly without even me knowing.

"Uhm no." He shook her head slightly.

"Oh, why then?" I raised an eyebrow as my excitement slowly dropped to the ground.

"No particular reason actually." She chuckled. "Well, see you later Tae!" She bid me goodbye before we parting our ways and headed to our own class.

"Hmm see ya." I hummed as I turned around.


Lunch break, and as usual the cafeteria was filled with students who were looking for something to fill their stomach or just stopping by to mess around with their friends.

I almost finished my food when I noticed that I didn't see Ha Neul nor Seokjin around, which was unusual. Actually, I haven't seen them together lately and that's kinda weird to be honest.

That couple were usually sitting together during lunch break, like a chopsticks and a spoon that will always be next to each other when the time to eat is coming.

But not today apparently.

I was walking on the hallway lazily, staring at the couples in front of me. Jimin hyung and Hye Jin noona, or even Bambam and Lisa were actually an old scenery for me.

But since when Jungkook had a girlfriend?!

My eyebrows furrowed as I watched his arm was linked with the girl besides him. I didn't even know the girl's name since she wasn't from our class.

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