Chapter 36

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[Author's POV]

Ha Neul was busy watching the television as she munching on her favorite cereal in the living room when her uncle suddenly barged in.

"Oh, Samchon? What makes you come here so early in the morning?" Ha Neul put her bowl aside when Yoongi pulled out a large brownish envelope from behind his back before he handed it to her.

"What is this?" She took the envelope as she raised an eyebrow.

"Open it and you'll find out." Yoongi hummed.

Ha Neul didn't bother to look at the letters on the outside of the envelope since she was too curious to know what's written on the papers inside.

Her eyes widen the moment she found out that she was accepted into her dream college, where her father once studied music and succeed to be a professional and well-known pianist.

Well, not really. She only passed the first step which was determined by her GPA and TOEIC scores. Now, she had to attend the real auditon where she needed to show them her actual talent.

"Th-this isn't a dream right?" She looked up at Yoongi with glistened eyes.

"You're leaving the day after tomorrow, you better get ready." He informed. "Oh and here, the present that I promised the other day." He smiled as he handed her another envelope.

She took the white envelope which much smaller than the brown one and immediately opened it. A plane ticket to New York. She looked up at his uncle before she jumped in joy as she hugged him.

"Thankyou so much, Samchon! Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou!" She kissed him on the cheek before letting him go.

"Arasseo, arasseo." Yoongi couldn't help but chuckled over his niece's childish reaction.

"I better tell Hye Jin and Jimin that I'll be leaving soon." She said a moment later as she grabbed her phone that was lying on top of the table in front of her.

"No need. They already know." Yoongi said non-chalantly.

"How? Did you tell them?"

"Yup. And they want you to come to Hangang Park tonight at 8pm." He informed briefly.

"You're such a great uncle aren't you?" She heaved a sigh as she smiled at the guy in front of him.

"Best in the world." He nodded cockily.


Ha Neul fastened her footsteps as she took a glance over her phonescreen which shown that it was already 8:17pm, hoping that her friends were still there waiting for her.

A few minutes later she arrived safely at Hangang Park and started to look around the pretty crowded place to find her friends and thankfuly it didn't took much time for her to spot them.

"Hey guys, sorry I'm late." She said when she approached them.

"It's okay." Hye Jin patted her shoulder. "I still couldn't believe that you're going to America." She pouted as she pulled the other girl into a quick hug.

"Well, me neither to be honest. But I'll be back in a week if I didn't pass the auditon." She chuckled as the both of them pulled away.

"You'll slay the audition, I guarantee it." Hye Jin smiled as she squeezed her bestfriend's arms.

"Don't worry about it, I know you can do it. Have some confident on yourself." Jimin added.

"I hope so." Ha Neul let out a sigh before she added as she smiled, "Thankyou guys. I'm gonna miss you for sure." She whined slightly, thinking about how she would live a life without her bestfriends.

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