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Derek froze at the sight of her. Someone he never expected to see at his doorstep. At first, thought she was a ghost or maybe he was hallucinating. But she was very much real.

She was much older now, practically a young adult. She was completely different from the last time he saw her. She wasn't the same little sister that he thought had died in the fire.

Her hair was much longer and less tamed than it used to be. Her eyes have aged, but still gleamed that forest green. She still had that wicked smirk that made her and her mother practically identical. That's who she had grown into: a younger version of Talia Hale.

"Hey Der," Rose smiled.

"Rose" he finally spoke, "You're dead."

"Wow, you don't see me for almost six years and that's the kind of hello I get?" Rose remarked sarcastically and made her way into the loft, brushing past Derek. "Harsh, bro."

Derek turned around and watched, while Rose made herself at home

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Derek turned around and watched, while Rose made herself at home.

"So, uh, is this where you live now? Kind of a downgrade, don't you think?" Rose commented sarcastically as she looked around what seems to be a large, nearly empty, space with concrete and steel walls supported by steel beams. It looked to be a former railroad depot. "It's very..." she looked around the room trying to find a word to describe it, "Homey," she smiled as she turned to face Derek who was still frozen in his spot. He was stunned to say the least.

"I thought you were dead."

"Where did you get that idea from?"

"Oh I don't know Rose... the fact that they never found your body!"

"What can I say, Derek? I healed miraculously, got up, and ran as far away as I could."

Derek didn't appreciate her humor. His expression stayed stone cold, waiting for her smile to fade.

"Where the hell have you been? Why did you leave? Where did you go?" Derek shot her question after question. Rose thought it was excessive but Derek deserved answers.

"You didn't think I would actually stay in this town, did you?" She rose her eyebrows. "Everywhere we went, we had targets on our back, Derek. And after the fire, that's when I knew it wasn't safe. I had to get out. I'm surprised you stayed."

"Do you know how I felt when I couldn't find your body? I thought the hunters got you!" Derek exclaimed, "But this entire time you were alive! You didn't think to tell me until now? Six years later?"

Rose sighed, she knew he was right. It was wrong of her to leave him thinking she was dead. But at the time the only thought on her mind was getting out of that town.

"I'm sorry Der," she said now sounding more quiet and ashamed, "You didn't deserve that."

Derek crossed his arms, "You're right. I didn't."

"I know," Rose frowned and looked down at her feet

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"I know," Rose frowned and looked down at her feet. She didn't realize how upset Derek would be when she came back. She thought he would be more relived than angry to see his younger sister still alive.

Derek let out a low exhale as he looked at his distressed sister. No matter how mad he was about her disappearing and making him believe she was dead for these six years, he couldn't stay upset with her.

He always had a soft spot for Rose- she was definitely his favorite. She was strong and witty. Sometimes almost too strong, he's only seen her cry once and she doesn't even know he caught her.

Growing up he was always so protective of Rose. He knew she could stand up for herself, but if anyone threatened her he would rip their throat out with his teeth- and that was a promise.

Even today, he'd still do the same.

"Well, come here Rosie." Derek cracked a small smile. "It's been a while since we've hugged it out."

Rose's face lit up completely. Hugging out it was something they always said and did after a fight. They both knew that whatever had happened between them- good or bad- that at the end of the day they'd do anything for the other and cared deeply for each other. They truly had a special sibling bond. They were the closest out of any of the Hale siblings.

Rose rushed over to Derek and jumped into his arms. They both held on tightly to one another. He still smelled the same to her and it made her heart soar knowing that he had forgiven her.

"God, I am so happy you're alive." Derek whispered.

"It's good to be back."

"What made you decide to come back?"

Rose looked up at him, "I needed to be home- I missed it too much."

"We've missed you too."

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