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"A surplus is defined as?" Rose quizzed Scott while she sat in the corner of the Deaton's office.

"Uh...an excess assets including income, profits, capital and goods?" Scott answered, but his response sounded more as if he was asking a question.

"Good, now when does a surplus usually occur?" Rose inquired, knowing that this is where he gets tripped up.

Scott's smile faded completely as his face went entirely blank. Rose raised her eyebrows noticing Scott's weakness. Deaton let out a small laugh at Scott's blank expression.

Before Scott could give some sort of incorrect guessed-answer the door bell to the office dinged and all three of them looked to where the sound came from.

Deaton turned to Scott and asked him, "Do you mind seeing who that is?"

Scott nodded and began walking over, when dogs began barking.

Deaton looked up at the doorway, now realizing that this wasn't just a regular customer.

All three of them turned the corner and saw Isaac standing there, his hands were shoved in his pockets as he looked down.

Rose and him were the first to make eye contact, but he quickly looked away from her gaze. He felt very uneasy and uncomfortable being there, but Deaton was quick to reassure him.

"It's okay, Isaac," Deaton opened the door, "We're open."

Isaac slowly walked in as they all circled around the examination table where the dog laid. Rose felt so much sympathy toward the dog, the scent was basically radiating off of her. Rose had taken away so much pain from the dog that day, that she had began to feel weak herself. But she didn't want the dog to be in pain any longer. She knew what it was like to be in constant pain, and never wanted anyone to feel like she does.

"Why does it smell like that?" Isaac questioned, noticing the scent that Rose and Scott have been smelling all day. Deaton, Rose and Scott all exchanged a knowing glance and Isaac quickly asked, "What?"

"Scott said almost the same thing to me a few months ago. One day he could somehow tell the difference between which animals were getting better and which were not." Deaton clarified, while Scott just nodded.

"He's not getting better, is he?" Isaac looked up at all of them. Rose looked down and shook her head. "Like cancer."

"Osteosarcoma. It has a very distinct scent, doesn't it? Come here." Deaton gestured toward Isaac to come closer to him, "I know you're well aware of what your new abilities can do for you. Improved strength, speed, and healing. You ever wonder what it could do for others? Give me your hand." Deaton gently took Isaac's hand and led it toward the dog, "Go on."

The crackling of Isaac's veins was heard throughout the room as Isaac began taking some of the dog's pain away. Isaac gasped at the sudden pain that he felt from the dog, but stared at his arm in bewilderment.

Rose watched him intensely, noticing the compassion and concern in his eyes. Something that she loved was that she could tell how he was feeling just by his eyes. He was very readable to her.

Isaac slowly pulled his hand away as he rolled up his sleeve to watch his veins transform back to a normal color. He then looked at Deaton and asked, "What did I do?"

"You took some of his pain away." Scott smiled.

"Only a little bit. But sometimes a little can make quite a difference."

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