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The full moon was approaching rapidly and Rose couldn't help but worry. She worried for Derek and how he had to be in charge of three uncontrollable betas. She worried about herself; she was still trying to figure out why she wanted to kill that hunter the last full moon. She hasn't felt that way for years, and she was worried about what was going to happen this full moon.

"Rose," Lydia snapped her fingers in front of Rose's face once she realized she hadn't been paying attention.

"Sorry, I must've zoned out." Rose apologized shaking her and looking down at her lap.

"Well, we're here." Lydia sighed as she opened the car door.

Rose turned her head to look out the window at the house in front of them. Rose then looked back at Lydia with a panicked expression. Before Lydia could step out of the car, Rose reached out and grabbed her arm.

"What do you mean here?" Rose asked.

"Allisons'...were you even listening to me on the way here?" Lydia inquired slightly annoyed that the girl was barely paying attention.

"As in Allison Argent? Like the Argent's house? Where her parents live?" Rose began asking nervously.

Lydia rolled her eyes.

"Obviously," she deadpanned. "Come on let's go."

Rose's jaw dropped and let out a quiet huff in disbelief. She then realized she needed to leave the car or else Lydia would start yelling at her. Rose grabbed the Macy's bags that were at her feet and followed quickly behind Lydia up the pathway to the front door of the Argent's house.

The door opened just as Rose walked on to the doorstep. Rose held her breathe as she saw the familiar man standing there. Argent recognized her immediately but didn't say anything, though it wouldn't have surprised Rose if he pulled out a gun and aimed it at her head.

"Lydia, come on in." Argent smiled opening the door wider so the girls could walk in, "And I don't think we've met before...what's your name?" Argent asked Rose, obviously trying to keep up an act in front of Lydia.

The battle lines between the Argents and Hales were as clear as day, and Rose had walked right over one the second she stepped on the Argent's property.

"Rose," she replied and held her hand out for him to shake. Rose gulped, "It's nice to meet you."

Argent shook her hand, "You as well, Rose."

Lydia asked, smiling politely up at Argent, "Is Allison home?"

Argent forced a smile back for Lydia's sake, "Upstairs."

Rose could smell the sadness that flooded the house. And after learning what Derek had done there were to be consequences for both families.

Rose kept her gaze locked to the floor as she passed Argent, and quickly followed Lydia upstairs. Lydia immediately walked into Allison's room, bypassing the idea of knocking and pushed through with a cheerful smile.

"Clear your schedule," Lydia announced, placing the long bag she had carried on the bed. She then clapped her hands together looking down at all the different dresses and said, "This could take a while."

Allison let out a groan and turned to face the two girls. Allison immediately met eyes with Rose and her expression grew into one of confusion.

"Did you guys get in alright?" Allison asked, mainly referring to Rose.

"Yep," Lydia replied, "Why wouldn't we?"

Rose just sighed, "Your dad was very welcoming."

Allison slowly nodded and then walked over to where Lydia had placed out all the dresses.

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