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"Rose get up or else you're walking to school." Derek threatened, his voice echoing through the deserted building in which the two were living now. Rose covered her head with the pillow.

Derek was kind enough to set up a section for her in the deserted rail station. It consisted of a mattress they had found at a thrift store, a blanket and a pillow. It was the best she was going to get for now, until Derek was safe from hiding from the Argents.

"This is an anarchy!" She screamed.

"Not my fault you're sixteen and still need to go to school," Derek shrugged with no mercy, "Come on, let's go."

Rose rolled her eyes and she turned to stare up at the ceiling.

She wasn't too crazy about starting school in the middle of the semester, but Derek insisted she get back on track, and since Derek was technically her legal guardian she had to obey.

Rose ripped the covers off her legs, and the cold air immediately caused goose bumps to rise on her body.

Rose sorted through her suitcase pulling out different things to wear. It really didn't matter too much to her: everything she owned was basically black and she didn't really want to stand out knowing that she would already be seen as the new girl.

Rose slid into her dark jeans and threw a black v-neck over her head. She latched on the necklace her mother had given her as a child and then proceeded to mess with her hair.

She gave one last look in the mirror and shrugged at her appearance.

It's about as good as it's going to get, she thought to herself before grabbing her bag and walking out of her "room" so to speak.

Derek tossed an apple at her, hoping to catch her off guard. Rose immediately caught it and took a bite. She chuckled at his failed attempt.

Derek didn't look satisfied as he spoke, "Guess your reflexes are still fast."

"Just because I was gone for six years doesn't mean I lost any of my skills. If anything I got better," she smirked and then walked out of the warehouse followed by Derek.

That was one of Rose's best strength: she was quick to react and always seemed to be one step ahead of her opponent.

"Apparently." Derek mumbled.


"And please for the love of god, do not get in any fights." Derek finished listing off all the directions he had given her.

"What makes you think that I'd get in any fights?" Rose asked innocently.

"Because you're my sister."

"No promises." Rose cracked a smile and Derek shot her a glare. Her smile faded completely and she put her hands out in front of her defensively, "Go it, no fights."

Derek then looked past her by the entrance of the school. He had locked eye contact with a student, and Rose grew curious from his harsh stare. She turned her head to see a boy, around her age staring back at Derek.

"Who's that?" Rose asked looking back at Derek.

"Nobody," Derek answered quickly, "Get to class, you're gonna be late."

Rose decided to ignore his strange attitude toward that boy and got out of the car.

"And Rosie," Derek called after her, before she shut the door.

Rose turned back around.

"If anyone gives you any trouble, you tell them that your brother is Derek Hale and that I'll rip their throat out...with my teeth."

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