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Rose rushed to the entrance of the McCall's house hoping the door would be unlocked so she could easily get in. However, it didn't surprise her when she realized it was practically bolted shut. She figured that Stiles locked every door and window of the house.

"Stiles!" She shouted, "Let me in!"

The door opened abruptly and a hand gripped her jacket and roughly pulled her inside. The door locked immediately after.

"Great, you're here," Stiles nodded placing his hands on his hips, feeling more reassured now that they had a werewolf here to help fight. " ...where's Scott?" Stiles asked.

"He got stopped by Coach," she explained, "I barely made it out alive." She joked.

Stiles kept a serious expression and Rose got the impression that this was no time for jokes; especially when one of their friend's life was currently at risk.

"Tough crowd," she mumbled and then asked, "Where's Lydia and...that other kid?"

"Upstairs." Allison answered and gestured toward the staircase.

"Alright, I think we're safe," Rose nodded and reached to check behind the curtain. Her heart stopped and her expression dropped when she saw Derek, Isaac, Boyd and Erica standing across the street of the house. "Or not."

"What?!" Stiles explained frantically, "Allison, call Scott."

She was already dialing his number and pressed the phone against her ear.

"It's me. You need to get here now." She said once Scott answered, "Right now."

She nodded a few times and then hung up to look at us, "He's on his way."

Stiles looked outside at the four wolves. He nervously tapped his foot, "Oh geez."

Rose could feel the anxiety radiating off each of their bodies. She was trying her best to keep calm, she knew Derek wouldn't hurt her but she couldn't fight off three other werewolves on her own. Scott needed to get here fast, she thought.

She looked down at Allison's shaky hands typing on her phone, "What are you doing?" Rose asked.

"I think..." Allison took a deep breath, "I think I have to call my dad."

Roses' face dropped completely.

"No," Stiles shook his head, "But if he finds you here- you and Scott-"

"I know." Allison interrupted, she was frustrated that this felt like the only option to her, "But what are we supposed to do? They're not here to scare us, okay? They're here to kill Lydia."

"I won't let that happen." Rose reassured.

"You can't take four werewolves on your own," Allison shook her head.

"I got an idea. Just shoot one of 'em," Stiles suggested.

"Are you serious?" Allison deadpanned, like the idea was completely ludacris.

"We told Scott we could protect ourselves, so let's do it. Or at least give it a shot, right?"

"Okay." Allison took a few deep breathes.

"Look, they don't think we're gonna fight, so if one of them gets hit, I guarantee they'll take off. So just shoot on of 'em."

Rose kept quiet. She knew that they weren't going to just "take off." If one of them got hit, they'd come in fighting.

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