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Rose stepped out of her brother's Camaro, still shocked that he let her drive it. But thankfully she got there quickly. She figured the earlier she got there, the earlier she'd be able to leave. However, from the amount of cars that were parked outside the house she wasn't early at all- if anything she was very late.

Rose's heeled boots clicked as she walked against the pavement to the front door. She knew that she should've stayed with Derek, it was the right thing to do. She couldn't erase this awful feeling of dread swelling in her stomach, she knew something bad was going to happen tonight. The combination of the full moon, with the concern for her brother, and her conflicting emotions toward Isaac, all mixed together was a recipe for a disaster.

The door opened widely and Lydia stood at the doorway. Lydia looked down at Roses' outfit and her smile faded.

"You're not wearing the dress." She commented.

"It didn't fit."

"Hm..." she huffed not believing a single word that Rose told her, and then mustered up another smile, "Anyways, glad you could make it! Try the punch," she winked letting Rose into the house.

Rose immediately felt out of place looking around at the people that go to her school- some that she recognized, some that she didn't, and some that didn't even know that Rose existed.

She wandered slowly out to the back porch when her eyes met the punch bowl. Rose bit her lip curiously as she walked closer to the drink that Lydia had encouraged her to try. Rose let out a sigh, knowing that she couldn't get drunk anyways, and poured a cup for herself. Before taking a sip she smelt the liquid. It was a very cheap vodka that had been mixed with grocery store powered drink mix.

Rose shrugged and took a gulp. She winced at the strong taste that had stung the back of her throat. She wasn't sure if it was even worth it, seeing as how it wouldn't even have an effect on her.

"You made it," she heard from behind her and turned to see Scott.

"Hey," she smiled, "Is Stiles here too, or is it just you?"

"No, Stiles is around somewhere. He probably went to find Lydia," Scott answered. "Have you seen Allison?"

"No, I just got here actually." She told him.

"I gotta go find her...there's something I need to talk to her about." Scott sighed and Rose looked up at him with worry.

"Scott...does she know?" Rose asked cautiously.

Scott immediately knew what she was talking about and shook his head, "No."

"I'll help you find her," Rose offered, "I'll look inside and let you know if I see her."

"Thanks," Scott gave her a half-smile and then began walking away.

Rose walked into the house and was once again surrounded by crowds of people. But the noises grew quieter and soon enough she couldn't hear anything, nothing at all. Her surroundings were muted, and all she could hear was her heart doubling in speed.

"Hello!?" Rose shouted, hearing her voice perfectly clear. Panicked, Rose ran outside and yelled out, "Can anyone hear me?"

"Yes." She heard a voice from a shadowed area of the backyard.

" She heard a voice from a shadowed area of the backyard

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