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"I'm not saying you have to forgive her."

"No, that's exactly what you're saying." Rose argued as she packed her bag up to go home from school.

"It's not her fault...Gerard manipulated her." Scott defending which only caused Rose to become angrier.

"I swore to myself that I would never trust an Argent after what they did to my family," Rose explained, "They can't be trusted Scott...and she only proved me right."

"I think you should put more thought into this." Scott said trying to reason with her.

Little does he know that this girl is the most difficult to reason with. Her pride and stubbornness always get in the way.

"She tried to kill my brother, Scott. You can't expect me to forgive that."

"Stop being so stubborn."

"Stop being so forgiving."

"Ugh!" Scott let out an irritated groan, "You're unbelievable."

"I know," Rose smirked with a small shrug, like she couldn't give a care in the world.

"Well, good."



Rose giggled at Scott's very serious tone, she found it amusing.


Rose watched as the boy walked away with frustration, stomping along the floors of the hallway.

Rose then left the school and began walking through the woods where her brother told her to meet him. However, when she got there he wasn't alone.

She narrowed her eyes over to Peter who just gave her a wide grin. It amused him to see how much she disliked him and his presence. Rose then looked over at Isaac and gave him a soft smile.

Rose then asked Derek, "So what's going on?"

"You haven't told them everything yet, have you?" Peter inquired, crossing his arms across his chest and walker closer to the Hale house.

"What does he mean?" Rose asked Derek, still very confused.

"Why do you think Derek was in such a hurry to build his pack? So he could strengthen his power and his numbers? As a new alpha, people take notice," Peter explained.

"People like who?" Isaac spoke up, his brows furrowing.

Rose then turned slowly and noticed what was printed on the door.

"What is this?" Isaac asked referring to the same thing that Rose was looking at. "What does this mean?"

"It's their symbol. And it mean's they're coming," Derek replied.

"Who?" Rose asked nervously.


"More than one?"

"A pack of them."

"An Alpha pack." Rose whispered looking down.

"How would you know anything about an Alpha pack, little Rosie?" Peter asked looking at his niece strangely.

Rose just looked up at Derek.

Rose just looked up at Derek

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"More than you think. And they're already here."


Rose walked toward the lacrosse field, with her hands shoved in her pocket where she saw Scott and Stiles practicing.

"Hey, you know what I just realized?" She overheard Scott say, "I'm right back where I started."

"What do you mean?" Stiles asked.

"I mean no lacrosse, no popularity, no girlfriend. Nothing." Scott explained.

"Dude, you still got me." Stiles told him.

"I had you before." Scott laughed.

"Well now you got me too, Scotty," Rose smiled catching the boys attention.

"Yeah, you got Rose and I...that's a life fulfilled." Stiles joked causing both Scott and Rose to chuckle.

Scott looked between Rose and Stiles with a goofy smile on his face.

"Very," he agreed.

Stiles then cradled the ball that was in his lacrosse stick and prepped himself.

"Now remember, no wolf powers." Stiles warned.

"Got it," Scott nodded and then smirked.

"No, I mean it." Stiles pointed at him seriously, "No super fast reflexes, no super eyesight, no hearing- none of that crap, okay?"
"Okay, come on."

"You promise?"

Scott rolled his eyes and looked over at Rose who was just smiling at their exchanges.

"Just take the shot already!" Rose exclaimed.

"Just take the shot already!" Stiles mocked in a low mumble.

He then readied himself to shoot, meanwhile Scott and Rose looked at each other. Scott's gold eyes flashed meeting Rose's blue.

"I said no wolf powers!" 


a/n: and thats a wrap!! Thank you so much for all the reads, and votes, and comments so far, i love you all!! I've already started working on the sequel so be on the look out for that soon!! <3

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