GONE FOREVER (part 1) || asa butterfield

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"Y/n don't come home!"


"I repeat. do not come home, under any circumstances."

The phone was cut off as I stared at my blank screen. Sam was standing next to me as I looked at her quizzically. The tv at the top of the classroom suddenly turned on, revealing the news.

"Breaking news. A virus has spread throughout the city and has infected anyone in its way. People have said their victims might look like something from a horror movie. Stay clear of the streets and stay inside, no matter how much you have to go outside, don't."

Sam looked over as everyone in class started panicking. We each exchanged looks as Sam dialed her house phone, then both her parents' phone numbers. None of them answered as we stood there, in the middle of class.

"I'm getting out of here."

"Well, we can't keep you here, no matter what the news say."

The teacher spoke to us as everyone ran out of the room, a couple staying inside and some crouched under desks to keep calm. I grabbed my car keys, backpack, and jogged out of the school. Pushing people out of my way, I headed towards my car, immediately turning on the ignition and driving home.

As I got home, I kept the car running, as I ran inside and immediately heard noises from upstairs. I grabbed a knife from the kitchen and made my way upstairs.

"Mom? Dad?"

Instead of seeing my parents upstairs, minding their own business I came face to face with my mother, who looked like a.. zombie?


The creature I once called my mother started chasing me downstairs, as I turned and threw the knife straight at her head, killing her immediately. Blood splattered all over my shirt as I gasped and ran upstairs. Looking through my father's drawers, I found his old gun and extra ammo, immediately putting it inside my jeans and running downstairs, into my car and driving away to the supermarket.

I reeked of blood, as I parked the car behind, locking it and running inside. Grabbing the first shopping cart close to me, I started running through the store, grabbing anything in my reach and throwing it inside the cart.

"Hey! Leave those! They are mine!"

I stopped, reaching for my gun and turning around to see a boy being beaten by two other teenage boys.

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