HOPELESS | spencer reid

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"Okay, everyone, meet in the conference room in 5."

Y/n looked up at Hotch, nearing her desk and dropping her things. Turning around, she noticed Reid sitting at his desk, watching her every move. Once both their sights crossed, Reid turned red, getting up and walking over to her.


She nodded, leaving her purse and getting up from her crouching position. Her heels clicked as she walked next to Reid, both heading towards the conference room, where the rest of the team was waiting.

"Let's get started."

Y/n nodded, sitting down next to Reid and looking up at Garcia.

"Okay, team. Get ready to take a trip to San Diego. Last night, a young woman, 25 was found dumped near a river. She had multiple scars on her wrists, most likely made from a small knife. Multiple bruises across her thighs and there were signs of restraints across her waist and on her wrists. The ME concluded that she had not eaten for a month and she had died 2 hours prior to when she was found."

Y/n flinched as her eyes widened.

"What's wrong?"

"That's where I'm from. Usually, you don't see this type of thing happening."

"At least we have someone who knows the area well."

She nodded, as Reid asked Garcia a question, regarding the victim.

"Uh, she's approximately 5'3 with curly short hair and normal slim figure. Brown eyes, full lips and curvy waist."

"Alright everyone, wheels up in 10."

Everyone filed out of the room, as Y/n headed straight to her desk to arrange the things she would be bringing with her prior to the trip. Reid had his things organized beforehand, as he walked over to Y/n when he was done.

"Need some help?"

He startled her, as she nervously smiled before handing him a box with her things inside; an extra change of clothes, her journal full of notes, credentials, badge, extra pair of heels and red converse and her makeup bag.

"Let's go."

"Garcia, talk to us."

The screen light up, showing Garcia's bubbly personality as she typed away on a keyboard.

"Local police sheriff is going to be meeting you guys at the station."

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