The Night Before

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AN: Ahh Hi sorry this is a couple hours late! I got caught up in homework and the next thing I knew it was 11pm! Well, anyways, it's here now! Next chapter is the wedding! Are you excited?

November 16th-

John's POV

I woke to the soft mumblings of voices in another room. I knew Sherlock was gone before I'd even opened my eyes, the usually comforting warmth gone cold. I was right, all that lay next to me was a mass of crumpled sheets.

I slipped out from under them, padding towards the voices, towards the sitting room. I could hear Sherlock and Harry's voices as I drew closer. I couldn't quite make out what they were saying, however, I didn't need to. Pausing at the doorway, I watched as they talked. They hadn't noticed my presence and were continuing to talk. I could see Sherlock grin warmly as Harry threw her head back, laughing. It was the same twinkling laugh I remembered from years ago.

A small smile cleared onto my face as I took them in, at peace and content. Happiness swelled in my chest just watching the two of them. I stepped into the room, catching their attention. "Morning, you two." I paused at Sherlock, pressing my lips to his temple before sitting down in my own chair.

"Morning," both of them replied, still sharing amused looks at their joke. The three of us chatted for a while before Harry learned that Sherlock played the violin. "What?! Oh, you've got to play!" Harry cheered, grinning widely. Sherlock shrugged, bashful. "Oh come on love," I encouraged, laughing. He gave in, standing up to retrieve it. He glared at us playfully before beginning to play.

He played a familiar melody, one he'd composed months before we were dating, and had continued to play throughout the year. It was my favorite composition of his, to be honest. It started out low and melancholy before transitioning to high and sweet.

The smile on Harry's face grew as he finished the song. Her tea mug was balanced on her knees, both hands wrapped around it. Sherlock removed the violin from his chin as Harry began to clap. He gave her a small smile, his eyes flitting over to me, looking for approval out of habit. I smiled, giving a nod of my head.

"Oh, that was lovely," Harry complimented as he stowed it away. "He's brilliant, isn't he?" I rose and kissed his cheek. He flushed from the praise, "Yes, well, we've got to leave quite soon, why don't we have breakfast?"

I nodded, my hand trailing down his back before I turned back to my sister. "Yeah, we can go ahead and make breakfast while you get ready if you'd like."

She nodded and stood. "Yeah, I'll go ahead and change." She disappeared, leaving me alone with Sherlock for the last time before our mystery honeymoon. He'd already disappeared into the kitchen, fixing breakfast. I walked into the kitchen, watching as his sleek form made his way to the fridge.

I spun him to me, kissing him heatedly. He froze in surprise before smiling and humming. My hands trailed up and down his spine, causing goosebumps to break out on his arms. His hands were braced against my chest, curling into fists around my shirt. I eventually broke away, and he shook his head in confusion at me. I winked, stepping back to grab the plates.

"What was that for? Not that I mind," Sherlock asked, breathless. He quickly began making the eggs as I started on the toast. "Well, we won't get anymore alone time until after the reception tomorrow," he rolled his eyes, splitting the eggs between the three plates. "But then," I continued, pulling him against me again. "Then we have," I leaned in, my breath drifting over his throat. I heard his breath hitch. "Then we have all the time in the world."

I stepped away, smirking as Sherlock focused on controlling his breathing. "You are insufferable," he muttered, shivering at the meaning behind my words. "Oh, you love me! That's why we're getting married, with a honeymoon." I laughed, kissing his cheek as he set down the plates. He shook his head as I winked at him again. "And a tease," he muttered.

Marriage and Mental Illness (Sequel to Tall Buildings and Pill Bottles)Where stories live. Discover now