Chapter 1... In the Beginning

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It was October 30th, 2016 and Jack was pumped for Halloween to finally come because he had an amazing video idea that he think would be a big hit with his fans. His idea was a pumpkin carving video. He did one last year, but he has a big surprise in store this year. Also for people who didn't like in real life videos, he was gonna do a creepy game as well. Before he went ahead with the idea, he wanted to know Mark's thoughts about it, since he really looked up to him. "So Mark, what do you think?" asked Jack. "I really like that idea, but be sure to not go overboard on this, you could really scare people." Mark said. "I won't, thanks for the advice. I'm going to go prepare. I will talk to you later, and I hope you'll like it when it comes out on Halloween." Jack said happily. Mark also had an idea for Halloween, but he changed his mind because for some weird reason, he had a really bad feeling about it, so he trashed that idea. Also, his idea was similar to Jack's Halloween idea, so that was another reason he trashed it.

The next day...

It was time for Jack to film his videos for Halloween, his pumpkin carving video and his gaming video. The title of the game was "Don't Play This Game", which he thought was a creepy title so he thought it was perfect for the holiday, and he filmed that first. The game, it was pretty weird. When he started it up, the voice was just saying nonsense and in the middle he said "Do you understand me? Nobody does...". Then after 15 minutes, trying to decode what he was saying, but to no avail, he started his outro, "And that does it for this video on Don't Play This Game, thank you so much for watching, if you liked it, punch that like button in the face, LIKE A BOSS! And, high fives all around, thank you guys and I will see all you dudes, in the next video!" Jack shouted. He was definitely excited to film his next one after that video, and because he loves holiday themed videos.

2 hours later...

Jack started to film his pumpkin carving video, when about 1 minute in, his plan starting coming into place. In the video, he heard a faint laugh, so he went to check to see what it was, then the screen started filling up with static, and a figure popped up in the top right corner. About 2 minutes after that, the smell of the pumpkin was grossing him out, and his nose started to bleed, which was also part of his plan. A few more glitches later, about 10 minutes after the nose bleed. He finally finished his pumpkin, which he called Gerald. Then he did the unthinkable, he took a knife and sliced his throat open and looked at the camera like he had no soul. His voice was distorted and really creepy sounding, and there is something he said at the end, which was also the title of the video, "Say Goodbye".

The next day...

"So Mark, what did you think?" Jack asked eagerly. "That was amazing, you edited that really well, and I was looking in the comments. That video was a huge hit!" Mark said to Jack with excitement. Jack was very happy with how both of his videos came out, but he was up all night editing them so he didn't any sleep, so he called it a successful day and went to sleep for the night. It was 11:53 PM...

3:17 AM

Jack was in a forest, he didn't know where he was or how he got there."Hello? Is anybody there?" Jack said, but nobody answered. He felt a, presence. Not a human, that was for sure, but not somebody dead either. He couldn't tell who or what was with him. "Hello?! Please, anybody!" Jack yelled out. Finally, he heard a voice, they said, "Jack... It's been so long." the mysterious voice said. "What? Who are you, and where am I?" Jack said to the voice talking to him. "You probably don't remember me, but you will soon. You might want to wake up. Wake up! WAKE UP!" the voice yelled demonically. Jack screamed in terror as his "dream/nightmare" ended. "What the hell was that? It felt so real, and who was that?" Jack thought to himself. He just thought it was his imagination getting the better of him and went back to sleep...

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