Chapter 14... A Fresh Face

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Mark fell to the floor when he was sedated but Anti, he just kneeled to the ground, not really going unconscious. Anti gave Jack back his free will, no questions asked. "What happened?!" the doctor asked Jack and Felix. "I don't know, he just snapped." Felix said. "Jack? Are you good? You seem to have gotten your strength back." the doctor said with a nervous chuckle. "Yeah, I'm good." Jack said. "Anyways, we need to perform some tests on Mark, so we need to restrain him even more than we did." the doctor said, looking at Mark nervously. The doctor and around 4 others came in and restrained Mark better to the bed and took him for testing. "Jack, are you sure you're good? You kind of- changed a little bit." Felix said. "Yeah, I know. That was, you know, him. I let him take control for a minute." Jack said. "What?! You actually let that psychopath take control. In your own free will?!" Felix said, kind of furious with Jack. "Oh, psychopath, huh? Tell it to the real psychopath!" Anti screamed at Felix. "Just shut it! I don't want to hear anything from the likes of you, Anti!" Felix said as the room started to shake. "You saved my ass, Anti. Thanks, I guess?" Jack said, confused that Anti is keeping his part of the deal. "Like I said before, I want a new body to possess so I can be my own person, and I can't do that without you. And, we are in a hospital. Maybe I can find a body here to use." Anti said. "You have a point, but how are you gonna pull that off?" Jack asked Anti. "I'll show you!" Anti said with an evil grin. Anti jumped out of Jack and went into Felix unexpectedly. "Anti, what are you doing?!" Jack yelled. Felix morphed into Anti so Jack could actually see him for once. Jack was surprised of how much they looked alike, with a couple differences of course. "Since you're in here and can't leave, I can use old Felix here to get me to the morgue of this place to find a new body. Problem solved!" Anti told Jack. "Okay, you better not do anything to him, or you will have to deal with me." Jack said. "Ha! You're a twig compared to me!" Anti said while laughing at what Jack said. "Hey, I have a few questions for you before you "do your thing"." Jack said. "Like I told Scarlett, go for it. I might or might not have an answer." Anti said. "Okay first, that... What the hell were you thinking?! Having sex with a 17 year old, that's just sick!" Jack said, furious. "Oh, you don't know then." Anti said. "I don't know what?" Jack asked. "I am still a teenager. I was created in your head when you first got interested in technology, which you were 8 at the time. So, I am 8 years younger than you. Does it seem sick now, Jack?" Anti explained. "Oh... I did not know that at all. That explains it then, but I wasn't anything like you when I was 19, but you're not completely different from me in some ways. Why?" Jack asked Anti. "I am mostly the exact opposite, but some of your qualities, they don't have a bad side, so carry those as well." Anti said. "Okay, you can go "do your thing" now." Jack said. Anti disguised as Felix walked out of the room and headed towards the morgue area.


"What the... Where am I? And why do I feel different?" Mark said, finding himself in an old factory. "Hello, Mark. I forgot to introduce myself properly." a deep eerie voice said. Mark jumped back in fear. "Wh- who are you? And why am I here?" Mark asked, stuttering a little bit. A man who looked a lot like Mark came out of the shadows, but he looked more intimidating. Mark backed up against the wall in fear and shock. "Let me introduce myself. My name is Dark."

Dark is a demon if you couldn't already tell. Unlike Anti, Dark wasn't with Mark for a long time. He only possessed Mark recently due to another person pushing Dark out of them to someone else. Dark was actually Scarlett's demon that she talked about in Chapter 11. Mark was first possessed in Chapter 9, when his eyes started to change. Dark in his normal form is extremely intimidating in a weird kind of way. Dark usually has regular looking eyes, but instead of brown like Mark's, his are black. Blood fills the whites of his eyes when he gets angry, he is in pain, he starts to take control, or his "victim" is trying to take back control. Dark has black hair and has it spiked and shaved on the side. He usually wears a suit, which makes him look a little unusual, looking like a rebellious person trying to make it in a corporate world. His ear is torn through the middle, due to a past incident. He is charming when he really has to be, persuasive like, manipulative. Dark is really a sociopath, not a psychopath like Anti. He hates confrontation and avoids people as much as he can, but he has to end up getting his hands dirty once in awhile, which he hates to do. He is really strong, stronger than Anti even, but he doesn't put it to use very often. When he has to have contact with people, he is calm and collected, unless something or someone provokes him, breaking his calmness. When he takes control, there is a really loud ringing noise that comes along with it, that only his victim and people with demons inside of them can hear, causing what happened with Mark and Jack in Chapter 12. Dark's voice isn't warped like Anti's, but it is a lot deeper, sounding naturally like a demon. Dark is aromantic (has little to no romantic attraction for others) (I gave him this trait to make him unique)(I didn't make him asexual though, there is a big difference) so he doesn't have feelings of love to get in the way of things. Dark is older than Mark, Mark is 27 while Dark is 31 (I don't really have an explanation at the moment for why he is older, so just go with it). He has a pretty weak stomach, so he can't handle gore or blood like Anti can. Dark can actually bring out instincts that his "victim" would never do, (that's why Mark wanted to kill Felix and Jack) so he basically can hypnotize his victim into doing unusual and/or unthinkable things. (I hope you guys like my version of Darkiplier.)

"You're another one of them. What are you going to do to me, like what Anti did to Jack?!" Mark yelled at Dark. "Anti... I've never heard of that name before. Please, tell me more about him. Enlighten me." Dark said, still sounding very intimidating. "O- okay. I'll tell you, where do you- want to start?" Mark asked while stuttering. "The very beginning of it all." Dark said demonically. Mark explained what exactly Anti has done, what he can do, and what he's capable of. Dark looked completely disgusted. "Are you grossed out easily? You look like you're gonna puke." Mark asked. "Whatever you may think, I'm not like that, I can't even imagine someone who could do that." Dark said with disgust in his voice. "You don't sound like a psychopath, are you?" Mark asked curiously. "Uh... No, I'm more of a sociopath, I don't interact with people often, and when I do, well, you'll find out later." Dark said while suddenly disappearing into a cloud of red smoke.

Mark woke up to the feeling of being poked with a needle to get blood drawn. Mark hates needles and getting blood drawn so he flinched and looked away, but he couldn't move much since he was chained. "Well, Mark, so glad you could join us in reality." the doctor said, still sounding scared of Mark. "What do you mean? I don't follow. And why am I chained?" Mark asked with confusion. "You don't remember, huh? Just sit and relax for a moment and I'll explain." the doctor said. "I'll give you a break, for now. I'll be back." Dark whispered to Mark in his mind. Mark gave a scared look and the doctors looked at Mark confused to why he looked so afraid. After the bloodwork was done, Mark was wheeled back to the room to find Felix gone and Jack asleep in his bed, but Mark had a bad feeling about all of this...

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