Chapter 11... The Visit

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Anti walked out of the bathroom and walked into Mark's room to check on him. "Mark? You okay?" Jack asked. "Yeah, I just don't know what happened. If I did something, I don't remember doing it, and that's what scares me." Mark said with fear in his voice. "You'll be fine, I guarantee it." Jack said. "Thanks, Jack." Mark said, sounding a lot calmer. "Hey, can I ask you a question, you and Felix?" Jack said. Mark called Felix in the room. "What's up?" Felix asked. "I have a favor to ask. I was wondering if you two could get out of the house, just for the night." Jack asked. "Why, what do you have planned?" Mark asked. "Okay, I didn't want to say, but I plan to have a friend over, and they aren't really good around other people. They've been through a lot." Jack explained. "Hmm, a friend you say? What's his name?" Felix asked. "Her name is Scarlett." Jack said. "O- oh... I see what's going on here." Mark said with a smile on his face. "What do you think is going on?" Jack asked. "Dude, it's obvious that you're going on a date!" Felix said excitedly. "What?! No, it's not a date!" Jack exclaimed (it's obviously a date XD). "Oh yes it is!" Mark said. "Just, can you please let me have the house for myself?" Jack asked, kind of with a frustrated tone. "Of course, it's your house after all." Mark and Felix said. "In fact, we'll leave right now." Mark said. "Thanks guys. I appreciate it." Jack said. "Good luck on your "not date"! Have fun!" Mark said while giving him a thumbs up. "Very funny." Jack said while they both walked out the door. Anti locked the door, morphed back to his normal self, and picked up the phone to call Scarlett. "Hello?" Scarlett said when she picked up. "H- Hey, it's Anti." he said as the house started to shake again. "Oh hey, glad you called. So, what's up?" she asked. "I wa- was wondering if you wanted to come over, to hang out. What do you say?" Anti said. "Sounds great! When?" she asked. "Wanna come over now?" he asked. "Yeah, just text me your address and I'll be right over." she said. Anti gave her his address and the both hung up. 

30 minutes later...

Anti heard a knock at the door. He went to the door and opened it, it wasn't Scarlett, it was Mark. "What are you doing here? I thought you left." Jack said with kind of a pissed off expression. "Woah, sorry. I forgot something here and I was coming to get it quick. So is your date here yet?" Mark added. "Oh my god, it's not a date! I told you for the last time!" Jack said, getting angry. "Jesus, I was only kidding, no need to lose it." Mark said. "I- I'm sorry, that just slipped out." Jack said. "It's okay, I'll just grab my stuff." Mark said. Mark grabbed the thing he forgot and left out the door, completely missing that his appearance had changed completely. Mark hears a car pull up so he panics and hides in the bushes. He sees Scarlett walking to the front door to Jack's house. When "Jack"answered the door, Mark then realized that he looked different. "Hey, come on in." Anti said to Scarlett. "Thanks." Scarlett said, smiling at Anti. Mark panics and gets in his car and drives away very quickly. "Nice place, very roomy." Scarlett said. "Th- thanks." Anti said while blushing, trying to hide how he feels. "So, what do you wanna do?" she asked. "Wanna watch some TV?" Anti asked. "Sounds great!" she said happily. They both sit on the couch and decide to watch a horror movie called "The Blood Rush". 

1 hour later...

They were watching the movie when suddenly the TV kind of exploded, scaring Scarlett. Anti realizes he has his arm around her when she jumped. "What happened?!" Scarlett said. Anti went for it and kissed her, she didn't deny it. "I- I'm sorry. That just happened." Anti said, feeling embarrassed that he "went for it". "What do you have to be sorry about?" Scarlett asked. She leaned in and kissed him back. "So, what do we do now, since the TV broke?" Anti asked, finally confident enough to talk without stuttering. "Any ideas?" Scarlett asked. 

Anti picked up Scarlett bridal style while kissing her of course. They went to the bedroom and locked the door. Anti pinned Scarlet against the wall, of course trying to be gentle, but ends up cracking the wall. "Oh, I see you like it rough, Anti." Scarlett says as the room shakes once again. "Sorry, can't help myself sometimes. I can be more gentle." Anti said. "Nah, it's more fun this way." Scarlett said, smiling at him. She ended up doing the same to Anti, pinning him up against the wall as well, but not hard enough to break the wall. (Then you guys know what happens next...). 

The next morning...

Anti woke up first, looking at Scarlett next to him. He nudges her gently and she opens her eyes. "Hey." she said. "Hey, did you sleep okay?" Anti asked. "Yeah, I did. That was one of the best nights I've ever had, and you helped me so much, I- I kind of forgot about my past last night, it felt normal not working for those guys." Scarlett said to Anti. Anti gave her a kiss on the cheek. "Want some breakfast?" Anti asked. "Sure, I would love some." she said. Anti and Scarlett got dressed and Anti started to make breakfast. "Eggs okay?" Anti asked. "Yeah, that's okay." she said. Anti and Scarlett got done eating breakfast and Anti said he wanted to talk to her about something. "Hey, can I talk to you for a minute?" Anti asked. "Yeah, what's on your mind?" Scarlett replied. "I don't know, if you know, what exactly I am, do you know?" Anti asked her, trying not to spook her. "Yeah, I do. You're a demon. It's kind of easy to tell." Scarlett said. "How did you know? What is easy to tell about it?" Anti asked, curious to what she has to say. "The abnormal strength, the psychopathic tendencies, the eyes... it's a no brainer. Most people don't think or know demons exist, but you see, I have known about demons for awhile now. I- actually had one myself." Scarlett confessed. "Oh, I wasn't expecting that. If I may ask, what happened to said demon?" Anti asked politely. "Well, he was transferred out of my body to find someone new. I don't know where he is now." Scarlett said. "Wait, he? Demons aren't gender specific? I never knew that and I am a demon." Anti said, a little shocked. 

Then there was a knock at the door. "Oh shit. Must be my roommates, go along with this, okay?" Anti asked. "You got it." Scarlett agreed. Anti morphed back to Jack's appearance and disguised everything except again his voice. "Oh, hey guys. What are you doing back so early?" Jack said. "Well, you said just for the night, and it is morning now. Is your date still going on, Jack?" Felix asked while winking at him. "Ha, very funny, just get in here." Jack said. Felix saw Scarlett sitting on the couch and waved to her. "So, that's your friend?" Felix asked. "Yeah, like I said, she's been through a lot." Jack said. "Hey, I actually have to go, but I'll talk to you later, Jack." Scarlett said, going along with the plan. Her and "Jack" gave each other a kiss and Scarlett walked out the door. Felix was standing there blushing and giggling a little bit. "What? What's so funny?" Jack asked. "It was a date! I knew it!" Felix said, gloating. "It wasn't a date, at first." Jack said. "Wait, I have a question. How old is she? She looked a little young, didn't she?" Felix asked with concern. "Dude, don't worry about it, it's fine." Jack said to Felix, trying to reassure him, but never answered his question. "Hey, where's Mark?" Jack asked Felix. "I thought he was following me when I got out of the car. Come on, let's look for him." Felix said. They both go out to the car first, and sure enough, Mark was still in the car. He appeared to be sleeping, but Felix and "Jack" weren't too sure about it. "Did he get any sleep last night?" Jack asked. "Yeah, and quite a bit actually, I don't know why he would be so tired." Felix said, concerned for Mark. "Jack" opened Mark's door and shook him and called his name, he was out cold. "He's kind of heavy, don't you think?" Felix asked Jack. "Nah, I got this." Jack said. "But you are so much weaker than me" Felix pointed out. "Jack" just picked him up like he was nothing. Felix looked at him in shock. He set him on the couch, sitting up so they could get a closer look at him. "Mark, wake up! This isn't a joke anymore!" Jack started shouting at him. He ended up slapping him, pretty hard, still nothing. "Jesus, don't give him brain damage." Felix said to Jack. Mark started to groan, like he's waking up from a really bad hangover. "Hey, dude. You okay?" Felix asked Mark while waving his hand in front of his face to try to get his attention. Mark opened his eyes, but something was different, the whites of his eyes were filled with blood, like Felix saw the other day. Felix jumped back in shock and fear. "Jack" walked closer to him, while Felix gave him a look that said "Don't fucking do it!". He definitely saw it as well, knowing that Felix didn't go crazy. Mark came to, looking like he woke up after a hibernation. "Oh god, my head... What happened?" Mark said. Felix and Jack just were staring at him. "What? What's wrong?" Mark asked with worry. "Look in the mirror." Jack said. Mark walked over to the mirror and finally saw what Felix saw before, and blacked out in shock...

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