Chapter 16... Clashing Rivalries

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"Oh, is the lonely teenager getting pissed off the first time he doesn't get what he wants?" Dark said while he was morphing into his appearance. Jack backed away from Anti and Dark as far as he could. "You have no fucking clue what I would love to do to you, but I'm not completely irrational. So, I'll start you off easy." Anti sneered at Dark. Anti picked up a needle from his crimson bag and walked towards Dark. "Such a small needle for someone who talks big." Dark said to Anti mockingly, while still backing up towards the wall. Anti pinned Dark's arm against the wall and injected him with what was in the needle. Anti was laughing quietly to himself as Dark slid down the wall immediately after he was injected. "Uh, what did you inject him with?" Jack asked with concern. "Just a sedative, that's what I use all the time. You probably don't remember, but remember when you were in the forest and I blacked out on you? Well, I sedated myself when I disguised as you. Ring a bell?" Anti said to Jack. "Y- yes, I do remember that, you were really out of it." Jack said. "He'll be out for a few minutes" Anti said. Anti picked up Dark and moved to a vacant room where he found a chair with some straps attached to it. He restrained Dark and waited for him to wake.

5 minutes later...

Dark woke up in a vacant room, unable to move. "Is this your plan to scare me? Restrain me like some kind of animal? Not gonna work." Dark said, trying to sound intimidating. "Well, look who's awake. Now then, where were we? Oh, right! Your punishment. You like blood, Dark?" Anti said, really sounding like a complete psychopath. "Honestly? No, I don't like blood or any of that kind of stuff." Dark said. "Oh, then this will be even more fun!" Anti said while laughing maniacally. Anti walked over to the corner and grabbed a bag with blood in it and he grabbed a glass from his bag. "Uh, what are you going to do with that?" Dark asked with a disgusted look on his face. Anti poured the blood into the glass and drank every last drop of it. Dark was about to puke because he was so grossed out by what Anti did. Anti walked towards Dark until he was extremely close to his face. Then Anti smiled to reveal his sharpened blood-soaked teeth. Dark had a fearful look in his eye, he was actually afraid of Anti. "Now you think of me differently, huh? You see, I could sit here, all night if I really wanted to, and torture you, but that's no fun is it?" Anti said to Dark, still smiling. "What the hell are you? You're more than a demon." Dark said with fear in his voice. Anti didn't answer him, he morphed back into Felix, giving him his free will back. "Dark? Why are you tied up? And why do you look so afraid? Oh, you met Anti, didn't you?" Felix asked as the room shook. "I've never seen anything like him! He's not a normal demon. He's vicious and cold blooded, more than any demon I ever saw. And he's still a teenager." Dark said. "That's Anti for you. Wait, teenager? He's a teenager?!" Felix asked Dark. "Yeah, you didn't know that?" Dark said. "No, I didn't. Please let Mark have his free will back now." Felix said. "Very well." Dark said to Felix as he morphed back to Mark. "Felix, why am I tied up?" Mark asked with confusion. "You know who sedated and tied up Dark." Felix said. "Is Dark like, afraid of him or something?" Mark asked. "I think he is actually, and he is pretty reasonable compared to, you know." Felix said. "He literally hypnotized me to kill you both, how is that reasonable?!" Mark asked, kind of pissed off with Felix. Without anyone looking, Anti went back to Jack and made his move. He detached himself from the IVs and machines and walked to the morgue area. Mark and Felix walked back to Jack's room and he was gone. "Uh, where did Jack go?" Mark asked. "He couldn't have left, could he?" Felix asked. "Anti." Mark and Felix said at the same time while the room started to shake. "What were his plans? Do you know, Mark?" Felix asked. "Yes! He plans to get a new body to use from... the morgue." Mark said, realizing they had to sneak into the morgue to find them both. "Well, shit. Let's go!" Felix exclaimed. They both made their way over to the morgue area of the hospital and the door was covered in blood. "After you." Felix said to Mark. "Nope, you go." Mark argued. Neither of them wanted to touch the bloody door handle, but the door bursted open. Anti was carrying Jack since he passed out from the possession. Mark and Felix looked at Anti with shock. "Well, my plans are done, for now. I'm sticking around for a bit. Now you have Jack back. Maybe you can find a body for Dark in there." Anti suggested. "Oh, fuck no. I'm not going in there!" Dark yelled. "I got this. Felix, take Jack for a minute." Anti said. "What?! I can't carry Jack, he's too heavy!" Felix exclaimed. Anti had Felix get down on his knees so he could put Jack over his shoulders. "There, now will you quit complaining? I have work to do!" Anti said. Felix made his way back to Jack's room and placed everything back on him and set him down on the bed.


"Mark, walk with me for a second." Anti said in a weirdly calm manner. "Uh, o- okay, I guess?" Mark said confused. Anti held the door open to the morgue, Mark followed him in. "What are we doing in here exactly?" Mark asked. "Just trust me." Anti said. "Last time we spoke, you made me drink fucking blood! Why should I trust you now?!" Mark yelled at Anti. "You want Dark gone or not?!" Anti yelled back. Mark nodded his head. "Good, now follow me." Anti said. Anti walked over to the corner of the morgue opened up a compartment that contained a dead body. "Ugh, I'm gonna be sick." Mark said. "Oh, no you're not, because I won't let you!" Anti said to Mark, starting to show his true self once again. "I have to agree with Mark on this one, I'm on the verge of being sick too." Dark said. "Oh, as if I care what you like, Dark!" Anti shouted. "Uh, what is this for, since I was never told about anything." Mark said. "Dark, come out of there, now!" Anti shouted as the room shook. Dark didn't come out so Anti had a plan to force him out. "Mark, you're gonna feel some pain when I do this, so brace yourself." Anti said while smirking evilly. Anti jumped out of his body and jumped into Mark. "What the fuck are you doing?!" Dark shouted at Anti. As this happened, Jack and Felix crept into the morgue since Mark had been gone for awhile. They saw a dead body on the ground and Mark basically tearing the place apart. "Mark, what are you doing?! Felix asked him. "I can't *help it*. I have them *both* inside of me!" Mark yelled as his voice was warping from Anti's to Dark's.

Inside Mark's body...

"Fucking give up already! Why do you need Mark so bad?! Why can't you just go into a body that isn't being used?!" Anti screamed at Dark. "Why do you need me out?! Why can't you just be content with you being in your own body like you wanted?!" Dark yelled back. Anti grabbed Dark by the neck and pulled out his knife. "Woah, what are you doing?! You're insane!" Dark said. "Yes, yes I am! And I fucking love it!" Anti yelled at Dark, making him cower in fear. Anti pushed Dark out of Mark and he transferred to the dead body on the table, then Anti jumped back into his own body...

Back into reality...

As soon as Dark got into his "new" body, he transformed instantly. Jack and Felix jumped back in fear as the dead body on the table and the one on the floor started to move. Mark fell to the floor, not because he blacked out, he fell to the floor in agony. "What the hell? What happened?" Dark asked. "What do you think? You're in your own body, how does it feel?" Anti asked. Dark looked at Anti with fear, still afraid of him. Jack and Felix ran to Mark and helped him up. "Mark, are you okay? What the hell happened?" Jack asked with concern, considering Mark could barely stand up on his own. "They- they both- were inside- of- me. Anti- pushed out- Dark." Mark said, out of breath. "Let's get back to Jack's room, we all need to be checked. Dark, Anti, you're coming with us for now." Felix said. Anti and Dark both nodded their heads and followed them. (Since Anti and Dark are now in their own bodies, Anti, since he is still a teenager, until he hits the age of 21, he can leave his body whenever he wants to. Dark, since he is over the age of 21, he is stuck in his body and can never leave, but he gains power to hypnotize anyone he wants to. I created this rule to make it interesting, so if a demon possesses a dead body and they are under 21, they have free reign to leave, but if they are over the age of 21, they are stuck in those bodies forever. If Dark was possessing a body that is still alive, he would be able to leave.)

10 minutes later...

Jack and Mark had to get some invasive tests done, which means they had to be put under anesthesia. Felix was in the room alone with Anti and Dark. For about 5 minutes, it was silent, but Felix broke the silence. "So, how do you guys like being free?" Felix asked them both. "Well, I'm not free, but whatever you say." Dark said with a pissed off expression. "I love being free, I can live my own life, finally." Anti said. Anti started to laugh really quietly, trying to be secretive about it, but Felix knew he was laughing. "Why are you laughing? It's a little weird." Felix said to Anti. "Oh, nothing. Don't worry about it." Anti said with an evil smile, looking at Dark. "Uh, okay then." Felix said awkwardly.

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