Chapter 4... Anger Management

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Jack finally got to the hospital, but he was in critical condition. They almost lost him a couple times, but they handled it. The doctors were asking Mark questions while Jack was being evaluated. "Can you tell me exactly what happened?" the doctor asked Mark. "Well, I went to visit him because he really wasn't acting like himself. He went completely off the grid for about 3 days and it had me worried. So I walked in and his place was absolutely trashed and ripped apart, and then I found him passed out on the floor of his bedroom." Mark explained. "Well, he is very responsive, that's for sure, he just can't wake up for some reason." the nurse said to the doctor. "Was he responsive when you found him?" the doctor asked Mark. "Well, kind of, he didn't really move, but he made an indication that he could hear me." Mark said.

19 hours later...

"Why are you doing this to me? What did I ever do to you?" Jack asked Anti. "You just left me to rot in the back of your mind, like I was nothing. Though I would like to do the same to you, I have something more fun in mind!" Anti said while chuckling evilly. "What do you mean by that, what do you have in mind?" Jack asked with worry. "You will soon see... Now, you should probably wake up now, everyone is worried about you, see you soon, Jack" Anti said.

Jack woke up immediately, wondering what the hell just happened to him. He was hooked up to a bunch of IVs and a heart monitor. He saw Mark sleeping there on a pull-out couch that was in the room. Jack's heart rate spiked and made a loud ringing noise, waking Mark up suddenly. "Oh my god, Jack! You're awake! What happened to you?!" Mark exclaimed with joy. "I... I honestly don't remember, how did I get here? How long have I been here?" said Jack. "You've been in here for about 19, maybe 20 hours now. It took awhile to get here since you live so far away from the nearest hospital." Mark explained. "I just remember making my pumpkin carving video and going to bed after, that is the last thing I remember." Jack said. "Well, you haven't been responding to anybody for the past 3 days, and when you talked to us the day after that, you looked... really sick. So, I wanted to check on you and found you passed out on the floor. You had blood coming out of your fingernails, your apartment was ripped to shreds, you don't remember any of that?" Mark asked while he explained to Jack what happened. "Um, no, I don't remember that." Jack said. Jack was still a little out of it, but he did remember something. He heard Mark plotting against him, but he kept that to himself for now. The doctor came in because of the heart monitor beeping. "Oh, you're finally awake, you know you nearly died on the way here? You're lucky your friend found you when he did, any longer and you would've been dead." the doctor told Jack. "Anyways, we actually couldn't find anything wrong with him or his health, besides being dehydrated, he's in perfectly good health. It's a little strange though, I've never seen this happen before." the doctor said to Mark. The doctor discharged Jack from the hospital and has ordered for someone to stay with him for a couple weeks, just to make sure.

45 minutes later...

Mark finally got back to Jack's house and when Jack walked into the house, he was stunned. "Uh, what the hell happened here?! Why is the place torn to pieces?" Jack asked. "It was like this when I got here, is there a possibility that you did this Jack?" Mark asked Jack. Jack just walked into his bedroom, not answering Mark's question. "Uh, Jack? Can you answer my question, please?" Mark asked politely. Mark took a second look at Jack before he slammed his bedroom door, and he looked, kind of, different... He noticed Jack's lip was slashed open, but he didn't want to ask Jack why, at least for the time being.

In the other room...

Jack was just furious that Mark was plotting against him, so he stomped into his bedroom and slammed the door as hard as he could, almost breaking off the hinges in the process. He went into his bathroom and looked at himself in the mirror, and he saw his lips was cut. "Where the hell did this happen at?" Jack thought to himself. For some reason, Jack just felt like he could smash everything that could break in the room, he was that angry, at everything. Jack looked at himself in the mirror in his bedroom, but he smashed the mirror by punching it. "Hell, this is gonna be more fun than I thought it would be." Anti said with an evil smirk. Mark heard something break so he barged into the room and found the broken mirror with blood all over it. "Jack? You okay? Where are you?" Mark called out. "Just... Give me a second." Jack said. "What the hell happened?" Mark asked. "I don't know, I just got really angry and I punched the mirror." Jack said with blood running down his hand. "Jack, you're bleeding. Let me help you." Mark offered. "Fine, just do it already if you are going to do something." Jack said angrily. Mark looked confused on why Jack was angry at him, but he tried to brush it off and bandaged him up. "Thanks Mark, and hey, I'm sorry for getting an attitude with you before, I don't know what that was." Jack said apologetically. "It's okay, you've been through something, I don't know what, but you did." Mark said reassuringly.

5 minutes later...

"Man, BORING! Let's have some real fun, Jack." Anti said while laughing manically. Anti's plan was starting to fall into place, controlling Jack like a puppet on a string. Jack suddenly lunges at Mark, pinning him against the wall with force. "Jack! What the hell are you doing?!" Mark asks, shocked about what Jack is doing. "Oh, I'm just getting started." Anti said using Jack's voice (there was a slight difference in the voice. Even though Anti is Jack, Anti's voice gets more demonic sounding the more angry he gets and he has more of an American accent). Mark couldn't get free from his grasp. "Jack, when did you get so strong? What is up with you? Please, talk to me." Mark said with fear in his voice. Jack tightened his grip on Mark's wrists with no sign of letting go. Mark heard the front door open, it was Felix, coming to check up on Jack. "Felix! Get in here, now!" Mark yelled, hoping that Felix heard him. Felix ran into the bedroom to see Jack pinning Mark by the wrists to the wall. "Jack?! What are you doing?! Get off of him." Felix exclaimed. Felix managed to pull Jack off of Mark. "Jack! You need to calm down!" Mark shouted to Jack. Mark had blood coming from his wrists from Jack's nails digging into his skin when he was pinned. Both Felix and Mark held Jack down to the floor, but he still kept fighting to break free. After about 15 minutes of struggling to break free, "Okay, that's enough excitement for the first day. I'll be back, Jack..." Anti whispered to Jack. Jack finally calms down enough to just give up fighting. Jack passes out from exhaustion while still pinned on the floor by Mark and Felix. "What the fuck was that?! Why did he do that?" Felix asked, almost out of breath. "I- I don't know, he ju- just snapped. He got really angry when I asked him a simple question, slammed the door, and broke a mirror. I have no idea what happened. He was very strong as well. I couldn't get free, and I really tried." Mark explained. "So, what do we do now?" Felix asked Mark with concern.

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