Chapter 3... Operation: Nightmare

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3 days later...

Nobody has heard from Jack since the Skype call and his friends are really starting to worry, especially Mark. Wade, Bob, and Mark get into a Skype call to talk. "Okay, what happened to Jack? He hasn't been active for 3 days, that is so unlike him." said Bob. "Well, he was pretty out of it when we talked to him last, maybe he is just resting up." Wade said to them. "But to be completely dormant? Something is definitely wrong, and I think we need to do something about it." Mark said with worry. "So, who lives the closest to Jack to check up on him?" Bob said. "I am the only one who lives even close to Jack." Mark says. "Then it's settled, Mark will go to check and see what's wrong." said Wade. "Yeah, I'll let you guys know what I find over there." Mark said as he left the call.

30 minutes later...

Mark arrived at Jack's apartment, and he is surprised he didn't get a speeding ticket for driving so fast. When he finally got to his apartment, he knocked at first. He didn't answer though. "Why the hell isn't he answering, I don't hear a peep in there. Should I just go in?" Mark thought to himself. He ended up going in, the door was unlocked, and he definitely walked in on, something... The place was torn to shreds, it looks like a Werewolf lives there, but there was no sign of Jack, at least not in the living room or kitchen. He went into his bedroom, and there he found Jack, laying on the floor, not moving a muscle. "Oh my god, Jack! What happened to you?! Come on Jack, wake up!" Mark shouted while shaking his shoulder. Jack was laying on his side with blood coming out of his nose, mouth, and fingernails. He looked extremely pale and his lips were almost blue, but he was breathing very heavily like he is struggling to take a breath. Mark called an ambulance as soon as he knew he couldn't wake him up. "Jack, please, if you can hear me, make any indication that you can, a sound, a movement, anything, please!" Mark pleaded. Jack's eye twitched when he said that, so Mark knew that he was responsive. Mark grabbed a blanket for Jack to use until the ambulance got there because he had no warmth at all, he was cold to the touch. "You have to make it, you have to..."

During the time that Jack passed out until now...

"Oh, what happened? The forest... It looks different, it is much... darker", said Jack. "Hello again... Jack." the mysterious voice said. "I can't wake up, what is happening to me?!" demanded Jack. "You are being... Controlled? Used? How would you put it?" the mysterious voice said. "What do you mean by "controlled", and you never told me who you are." Jack said. "Well, since my plan is now in place, I might as well tell you who I am and what I can do. My name is Antisepticeye, but you can call me Anti for short. I live in the back of your mind, well not anymore. I am basically you, except more cunning, devious, and best of all, psychopathic. And I look a bit different, I'm sure you can tell, at least I hope you can tell." Anti explains.

Anti is definitely different looking. He has sickly gray-looking skin, almost like he is dead. He has green hair, not that similar to Jack's though. Jack has like neon-green hair, but Anti has a dark emerald color. He has very sharp teeth, all of them are sharpened to a point. He has a scar going down his left eye from the top of his brow all the way down to the middle of his cheek and it never seems to fully heal. His eyes are, well, different depending on his mood. If he is calm, he has these milky grey eyes, but if he is angry however (which he mostly is), one of his eyes is just black, pure black, and the other one is black with a glowing green iris (this is when is is really angry). Or they can both just be black or something completely different, it really depends on the situation. He has these black gauges in his ears. His lip is cut up through both top and bottom, and it is pretty deep as well, and it goes across his whole lip. He only carries 4 things with him, a knife, handcuffs, a needle, and an electric dog collar (he mostly wears the electric dog collar himself). He probably has more stuff stored somewhere else. Anti is actually built smaller than Jack, even though he is extremely powerful and is all muscle (I got this idea from the saying "Big things come in small packages"). He has needle marks in his arms, indicating that he is an addict or takes some kind of drug or substance, even though whatever he uses makes him, well, more calm, still insane but calmer. Anti is actually younger than Jack (Anti was created in Jack's mind when he first got an interest in technology, which was at age 8, so Anti is 8 years younger than Jack, which makes him 19, so Anti is actually still a teenager). He has black veins everywhere, but they mostly show on his neck and temples, mostly when he gets angry. The main difference to tell them apart is Anti wears glasses, even though he is a demon he should have perfect vision. (I also made Anti a bit of a cannibal. He doesn't like eating people, but he likes the taste of blood. I added that just to make him really demonic and creepy). He can actually make people hallucinate many different things, and not just his victim, other people as well. The weirdest thing about him is he likes to be inflicted with pain, to inflict himself with pain, and inflict pain on to others (this is why he carries a knife, a needle, and an electric dog collar with him). He also has a lot of bloodlust (An uncontrollable desire to kill or maim others). 

"I plan to take over your body and walk among the streets as a "person" as you call it. I am nothing more than a demon that lives in the back of your mind, no more, never again..." says Anti ominously. When Anti was done explaining what his plans were, he heard Mark walk in, shocked at what he sees, even though Jack doesn't know himself what Anti made him do. Jack hears sirens from the ambulance, but before this "dream" faded away, he saw a vision. Jack saw Mark plotting against him, for what, Jack didn't see it clearly enough, but he thinks he is seeing reality, even though he has been passed out for 3 days and can't wake up from this, nightmare...

"You'll be okay, you have to be..." Mark said nervously, now tears starting to fill his eyes as he rides with Jack to the hospital.

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