Chapter 13... Trauma Center

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6 hours later...

Felix woke up slowly, seeing a figure standing above him, making him jump in fear. It was only a nurse coming to check on him. "Woah, Felix. It's okay, I'm just checking your vitals." the nurse said calmly. "Oh, sorry. I just was startled for a second." Felix said, still kind of groggy. "What happened to me?" Felix asked, not able to remember. "You were knocked out by your friend when you helped us hold him down. He definitely got you good. You've been out for about 6 hours now." the nurse said. "Oh, god. How are they? I need to know!" Felix asked with worry. "They are both still out, they are over there if you want to see them." she said to Felix. "Thanks." Felix said. Felix walked over to Mark first, because Jack was getting a test done, he was still out cold from the sedative. "Mark, what has gotten into you? First Jack, now you? What is happening?" Felix asked quietly to Mark. 3 nurses burst into the room, needing help from the other nurse in the room with Felix and Mark. "Jack is crashing, hard! We need your help, now!" the nurses said to the other. "What is happening to Jack?!" Felix demanded. "He started to seize and his heart stopped when we were taking blood!" the nurses said in a panic. They all ran out of the room and Felix heard a faint flatline. Mark opened his eyes to find himself chained to the hospital bed.

Mark started to thrash, not because he wants to hurt anyone, because he is terrified. Felix comes over and holds Mark down. "Mark, you need to calm down! Please!" Felix pleads. "What? What are you talking about?! Where am I?!" Mark basically yelled at Felix. Felix pins down Mark with more force because he started to thrash even more. "Mark, just calm down, please! Take a breath!" Felix tried to plead with Mark. A nurse came in and saw what was happening. She grabbed a small dose of sedative, just to help him relax. She injected it into Mark's IV and he started to calm down. "There you go. Just take a breath." Felix said. "What- what happened? Why am I- here?" Mark asked, almost falling asleep while talking. "You and Jack went crazy. Oh god- Jack!" Felix yelled as Jack was brought back into the room, hooked up to every machine imaginable. "Oh god... I didn't do this, did I?" Mark asked, starting to get his energy back. "No, you didn't do that. But you did do this." Felix said, pointing to his black eye and claw marks on his arms. "What did I do?!" Mark asked with worry. "You attacked me and the paramedics after, whatever happened to you two." Felix said, still looking afraid of Mark. "Why are you looking at me like that?" Mark asked.

"Honestly, I've never seen you act like that before, it really scared me. Why do you think you're chained? You could've killed me if those paramedics weren't there. When you arrived, there were at least 10 people holding you down and you still almost got free. It was terrifying." Felix explained. Mark looked horrified when Felix was talking. "Oh god, I'm so sorry!" Mark said, starting to cry. Felix sat next to Mark and hugged him and Mark hugged him, very tight. Jack woke up suddenly and started to cough up blood. "Jack! Oh my god!" Felix said as he ran over to his bedside. Jack's eyes were, different. They weren't blue like normal, they were dark red.

Felix grabbed Jack a bucket so he didn't make too much of a mess. After about 5 minutes, Jack began to settle down a bit. "Jack, what happened?! Are you okay?" Felix said as soon as he stopped coughing. Jack nodded his head because he had a tube going from his nose down his throat, leaving him unable to talk for the time being. Jack pointed at the pad of paper and the pen that was laying on top of it. Felix went and grabbed it for him. Before Jack could write anything, a doctor walked in towards Jack. "Oh, I didn't expect you to be awake so soon after what happened." the doctor said. The doctor told Felix that they were gonna remove the tube from his nose and was asked to leave the room for the time being, of course Felix wanted to stay. "Jack? Do you want him to stay with you?" the doctor asked. Jack nodded his head rapidly. "You will definitely feel some pain when this happens, brace yourself for me, okay Jack?" the doctor said. Jack nodded his head once more. Jack braced himself, took a deep breath, and closed his eyes. The doctor pulled it out and Jack didn't move a muscle or even flinch. Jack opened his eyes after it was over. "Wow, you were the best patient I have ever had while doing this, you didn't even flinch." the doctor said, impressed but confused at the same time. The doctor left the 3 of them to be alone. "So Jack, what did you want to say before?" Felix asked Jack. "Come closer." Jack said quietly. "Mark's in big trouble. You can't let him know that, he'll flip out." Jack whispered in Felix's ear.

Mark must have heard something because he turned the other way, facing away from them. "Mark? You okay?" Felix asked. Mark didn't answer. Jack gave a worried glance to Felix. "Felix, come here for a sec." Mark said in a monotone voice. Felix sat next to him on the bed as Mark rolled over to face him. "What's up Mark?" Felix asked. Mark grabbed his wrist, pretty tightly. "Let's just say I have some work to do." Mark looked at Felix evilly. "Uh, what does that mean, I'm not quite sure I follow." Felix said confused. "I'll show you." Mark said, sounding like his voice got deeper. Mark pulled himself free of the restraints on the bed (his hands didn't slip free, he broke them off the bed), pulled out his IVs and monitors, and started to walk towards Felix menacingly. "Uh, Mark? What are you doing?!" Felix said while backing up to the corner. Felix looked at Jack, then the call light above his bed. Jack knew what to do and pressed it. "Yes, Jack? What can we do for you?" a nurse said in the call option on the remote. "Get in here, now! Mark is going crazy, he is going after Felix. He might kill him, I don't know. Just hurry!" Jack said to the nurse. Before they got in, Mark had Felix pinned to the wall by his neck, looking like he wanted to kill him. "Mark! What the fuck are you doing?! Get off of him!" Jack shouted to Mark. Mark let Felix go and made a move towards Jack. "Mark, no!" Felix yelled to him. Jack got up and detached himself from the monitors and IVs as well. Mark lunged at Jack, pinning him against the wall, nearly breaking it. "So, what are you going to do now, Jack? There is nothing you or he can do to stop me!" Mark said in a really demonic voice. "Anti, I can't believe I'm saying this, but take control, now!" Jack said to Anti in his mind. "FINALLY, I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS SINCE YOU WERE OUT!" Anti said while laughing maniacally. Jack's appearance started to warp into Anti's. Anti turned the tables and was able to get Mark pinned down, even stronger than what he did before, pinning him on the other wall, nearly breaking it. "What are you gonna do now, Mark?!" Anti said while looking at Mark, looking like he could murder everyone in the hospital. The nurses finally walk in and see "Jack" pinning Mark up against the wall. Anti looks into Mark's eyes and sees that the whites of his eyes have blood in them once again, but the color of his eyes was black, like they were extremely dilated. Then all Anti saw was black as he was sedated, as well as Mark...

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