Chapter 9... Out in the Open

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Mark heard the door slam shut, making him jump out of bed as quick as he could. Felix heard Mark jump and ran to his room to see if he was okay. "Hey, you okay?" Felix asked. "It is just me, or did the front door just slam shut?" Mark asked Felix. "I didn't hear a thing, but we can go and check if you want." Felix said. They both walk out of Mark's room and go into the living room, they find the note that "Jack" left for them. They read the note out loud, kind of surprised. "Uh, why would Jack leave like that without telling us?" Felix asked with concern, for Mark, himself, and Jack. "Well, he was cooped up here for awhile, maybe he wanted to get some fresh air." Mark said reassuringly. "Mark, can I ask you a question?" Felix asked, in kind of a scared voice. "Yeah?" Mark said. "What happened to your eyes?" Felix asked. Mark's eyes, the white part had blood flooding it, not affecting his vision or anything, but it looked pretty scary. "What do you mean? Nothing happened." Mark said, unaware of how intimidating he looks. "Go look for yourself." Felix said. Mark walked into the bathroom and looked in the mirror, nothing. "Okay, you're going crazy on me, nothing is wrong with my eyes." Mark said to Felix. Felix looked again and saw nothing there. "Wha- what the fuck?! I know I saw something, I'm not crazy!" Felix said, trying to convince Mark he saw something. "How much sleep have you gotten lately?" Mark asked. "Same amount as you, maybe a little more." Felix said. "Which isn't much, just, let's go to sleep since we have nothing to worry about at the moment." Mark said.


Anti walks down the street, one of the most dangerous streets in town (of course he isn't aware, but he can handle himself, of course). There was a group of criminals, about 8 or 9 of them walking down the opposite way, towards Anti. They finally see him and starts to walk menacingly toward him, backing him into a corner. The strongest of all of them (he looked like he had about 3x the muscle mass as Anti) pinned him against the wall. "What is a teenager like you doing in this type of street? You don't belong here." the leader said to him. Before Anti left, he put on his collar, he just did without any reason. "Big words for somebody who can't show it." Anti said, trying to piss him off. The leader picked him up and pinned him up the wall, suspending him from the ground. "Oh come on! Is that the best you can do? Come on, my grandmother could do better, and she's dead!" Anti said, still trying to rile him up. "Okay tough guy, let's see you do better then." the leader said, signaling one of his men to come and face him. "Do your worst to him then, and let's see how tough you really are." the leader said, mocking him. "Gladly." Anti said with a demonic tone. 

Anti picked up the guy and pinned him against the wall, almost breaking it behind him. Anti started to change, his teeth got sharp, his eyes turned black with the green iris, but his build was smaller, like his "normal" appearance. "Um, guys? I'm not sure this is a good idea!" said the man pinned by Anti. "Oh, come on! You aren't even *trying*!" Anti said while his voice was warping. "Uh, why do you have a collar on? And- is that an electric collar?" the man asked. "Oh, you wanna know, do you? Let's just say... *I have my reasons*." Anti said. "Guys, I really don't like this!" the man said. "*Now then... Let's have some fun, you and I. Your leader did ask for this. Don't wanna disappoint him, now do we*?" Anti said in a demonic voice. 

Anti's voice was now warped like his normal voice. Anti started growling at the man he pinned and he started twitching, his eye mostly. "Oh come on! Why are you scared of this guy? I am literally 3x bigger than him and you are more scared of him than me, a teenager no less!" the leader said with a mocking tone. Anti then picked him up once again and pinned him against the other wall 3 feet away, almost breaking that one as well. Then he pulled out his knife, which was already covered in blood. "Uh guys? He has a knife!" the man whispered to them. The other men gave a surprised look when they saw it was already covered in blood. Anti began carving his initial in the man's arm, the same A that Mark now has. The man started to scream from the pain. "Okay, you proved your point, now get off of him." the leader said. Anti just kept carving, like he didn't hear him. "Did you not hear me?!" the leader said, starting to get angry. The man that Anti had in his grasp passed out from the pain. "Can't handle a little pain can you? Fucking pathetic!" Anti said with anger in his voice. 

The leader grabbed Anti off of his member, pinned him once again, and finally got a real chance to look at his face, he was shocked. Anti turned the tables and had the roles switched. "Now, this will be fun!" Anti said while laughing like a psychopath. The leader's men tried with all their might to pull Anti off of him, but to no avail. "What the fuck?! Why is he so strong?! He looks so weak! How is a teenager like this so strong?!" one the the men said. "You know, this is fun and all, but I'm afraid your time is up!" Anti said in hysteria. "You don't have the guts!" the leader said, trying to psyche him out. "Correction: you don't have the guts!" Anti said while starting to laugh. 

His green iris brightens in color as he takes his knife and stabs his victim over and over with no hesitation, laughing maniacally, almost running out of breath. Most of the men had fled as soon as Anti pinned their leader down, but there was one person left, a teenage girl from the looks of it. She just stood there with kind of a blank expression. "Kid, you might want to run. Far and fast, I'll give you a 10 second head start..." Anti said to the teenager. The girl just stood there, just looking at Anti, trying to figure him out. "Did you not hear me?" Anti said to her. " No, I heard you loud and clear, I'm just trying to figure you out first before I run." the girl said. "You're bold, I'll give you that." Anti said sinisterly. "What's your name, if I may ask." the girl asked. "My name is Antisepticeye." Anti said as it felt like an earthquake was coming right for them...

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