Chapter Eleven

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  • Dedicated to To Marina @alinabobbena 's fish ... RIP... Four years!

Chapter Eleven

Andy Gray

School had been over very quickly since it was a half day. I managed to stay focused in classes as my leg hurt constantly... How am I going to try-out for track like this?

I thought about ways I could get myself out of this as I walked to the washrooms near the cafeteria to meet with Lizzie, suddenly I stopped. I can always ditch!

I shook my head, she would probably take that the wrong way...

I started to think, right in the middle of the hallway I paced, more like limped back and forth.

I sighed. I couldn't get away from trying out for track, the ideas I already had thought of meant hurting Lizzie and I wasn't gonna risk that. I also didn't want her to take pity on me for my leg, I already had her concerned when she saw my limping... I do not want her to know about anything to do with my past life either.

I leaned against a wall and took deep breaths, think think think Andy! I groaned running my fingers along my braid.

I turned to put my head facing the wall ... and banged it back and forth muttering, " Why? Why? Why?"

I suddenly glanced over at my phone... Five minutes had been wasted with me banging my head.

" Guess I have to face this like a man!" I said confidently trying to boost my energy.

I lifted my head high about to walk towards the washrooms and see what goes on but right in front of me was Drew.

" Why are you here? You couldn't have recovered from your leg injury so fast," He said and he said it quite commandingly.

I wondered why he cared, he hardly knows me!

I smirked and was about to answer when Alexsis came out of nowhere.

I made that my chance to leave a silenced escape because I knew Drew wouldn't bring up anything when Alexsis would be joining us trying to keep an eye on her man. Her eyes were like guns when she approached me and Drew.

I rushed passed Drew and to the washroom, he was surprised by my escape and didn't squeak a word to call after me.

I ran in the washroom and found Lizzie staring at her watch.

" Sorry!" I squeal forgetting I wasted her time to go to her meeting.

She smiled, " It's alright. My meeting starts in exactly 12 minutes. So why don't you take this bag, and change your clothes and shoes," She says handing me a cute kit bag with Justin Bieber on it.

I held a laugh, " Don't start with me!" Lizzie chuckled, " Hey did you let Katie or anyone know about coming over and try-"

An idea popped in my head... Of course... this is the chance I can get out of this!

" About that... I can't stay for tryouts... I can come over at your place though Peter needs me for a private issue which I can't really say," I say lying innocently and naturally.

Then suddenly my phone rang.

I excused myself from Lizzie and she have me a hurry signal as she was thinking.

" Hello?" I ask.

" Andy, it's me Peter."

" Hmm Peter? Doesn't ring a bell."

He laughed, " Ha ha so funny... Anyways I was about to ask you if you could wait at school for awhile as I can't pick you up in an hour or so as I have a meeting and Katie has a thing. Maybe stay at the library near by?"

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