Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

Andy Gray

I stood in front of the man who ruined my life, I knew he was capable to kill me any second, but without thinking I only went closer to him then running for my life. Plus being in a deserted park early in the morning, didn't help my situation...

" How did you find me?" I demanded my hands in fists and my feet firmly on the ground staying strong.

He laughed, " You can't hide from me, and to think I thought you would scamper and come looking for you mother," He spat.

" Where is she? What did you do with her!" I screamed and shoved him, " Give her back!" I begged, forgetting about staying strong, I was vulnerable when it came to my mom.

He shoved me to the ground hard and kicked my rib and I whimpered, but didn't cry, " I came here to warn you, don't f*cking get the police involved into this, I can kill her any second... Now you wouldn't want that, would you?" He laughed, " Just be glad you aren't in your mother's place."

I lay on the ground , weak in the knees, and he began to walk away, " Wait! Please," I cried.

" I will do anything, just give her back!" I choked through my tears.

He laughed and walked away, though suddenly turned, " We'll keep in touch, but if you tell anyone you saw me, I don't have to tell you what I'm capable of." There was such evil in the way he spoke and looked at me.

When he was ofically gone I tried getting up and when I did (finally)... I made way to my backpack and skateboard, I put my backpack on and then grabbed the skateboard. I obiously am not in the state of riding it... guess I'm going to haave to walk!

My stomach rumbled, I'm hungry and then it hit me I don't even have a lunch, Katie makes it for me...

' What to do?' I thought to myself as I sat myself on the sidewalk, and thought of how I could sneak into the house and grab something, no to risky.

I could always wait until lunch and ask Lizzie for something... But I'm really hungry! See I am a girl with a big craving.

I sigh and thought I could go back to the park but since my encounter with him, I can't bring myself to go back.

So I instead limp across the street to a soccer field, take off my backpack and throw the skateboard near it and plop myself on the grass and lay down on it.

My hunger kept my mind away from what happened earlier and I was glad, I didn't want to remember anything about him. I wish I could erase him out of my life.

I started day dreaming about food.. I was licking my lips imagining Katie's special omlets infront of me and I'm about to dig in but I'm rudley interuptted.

" Andy?" Someone said.

" What?" I snapped my eyes open, " Well lookie here, Drew Matheson, yay!" I said sarcastically to the boy leaning over me with concern in his eyes and spotless looks, he can really put up an act on being nice.

Authors Note

* Not edited, I wanted to upload soon as possible

I'm very sorry for the wait on this chapter, I'm sick... Yay me!

I try my best to upload, so please stay tuned!

Vote&Comment ... thank you, all of you!

I am rushing this note so I can upload so, haha if u notice how i kinda speeded it up!

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