Chapter Twelve

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--> Alexsis

Chapter Twelve

Andy Gray

I tripped. I was shocked though who ever tripped me doesn't know me. I've been friggin' tripped a lot in my jacked up past. I've been tripped so many times that I've made my body react to the movement. I remember how I would be tripped by HIM while my mother watched painfully but couldn't be able to do anything, though I would do a somersault to bring myself back to my feet.

I thought back to the time that first happened. The first time my body reacted to being tripped and bossed around. I remember that moment as if it's just happened. I'll never forget the rage and frustration in his face. His clenched fists. His heavy breathing as he reaked of smoke.

He grabbed me by my hair and flung me across the room, " WHEN DID I F***ING TELL YOU TO COME HOME!"

Tears took over my face as a pain shot through my back. It was harder to breathe as his careless friends sat in the living room smoking, and not just cigarettes.

" I-I-I'm-m s-sorry please I won't d-d-d-o th-hat-t-t a-again! I p-pr-o-omise!" I whimpered as I got up slowly hugging myself for protection.


I was making my way towards the dirty wooden stairs though HE stuck out his leg and tripped me as I passed him. I felt myself do a flip of some sort and landed back on my feet. It only made him angrier as he hadn't hurt me.

I quickly ran up the stairs before he could take out his anger out on me. Though that couldn't block out me hearing my mom being beaten on for what I had done. When I didn't hurt. He'd go for my mom, knowing one way or another he'd still get to me.

I remember staying in my room and blocking the abuse by putting on my ear phones and blasting the music as loud as it took to take me away from what was really happening. Take me away from what was life and reality.

So I didn't trip. I reacted to it, causing people to gasp. And then I took off.

There were 3 laps left and I'm going to make it worth while.

So I ignored everything and eyerone and the pain. And I just ran.

I couldn't feel my feet. It felt like I was gliding around the track.

My fore head trickled with sweat as I ran the second last lap.

My momentum was all built up. When I'd want to use it I'd be unstoppable.

The last lap, I was neck in neck with another girl. I didn't turn to see who it was because that would make me lose focus.

We had a bit left as I looked ahead.

So I suprised her by taking off and sprinting to the finish line.

I heard her trying to speed up as her steps became louder though I knew she wouldn't last another second as she lost control of her breathing pattern and was grasping for air.

I felt myself smirk as I noticed I had just finshed the laps. I had also came in first.

I turned around to see Alexsis. Big suprise there!

She looked at me with envy as all the other girls patted my back and told me about my flip.

I was still caught up in the moment as I couldn't believe I just finished, first, with a hardly working leg.

Alexsis was then trampled by her "friends" saying she was awesome out there, though Alexsis told them to back off and cut the crap. Great friend she is.

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