Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen

Andy Gray

I saw the blood drip down my leg slowly and painfully.

I quickly dropped my backpack and zipped it open hoping to find a tissue- or anything I could wipe my blood with-

I then found a pack of tissues!

I reminded myself to thank Katie when I had the chance, just randomly go up up to her and say 'Hey Katie, thanks for the pack of tissues you put in my backpack!'

As I started to wipe down my leg Drew gasped.

" Andy that's not going to help, you need to clean-" Drew started to say but I cut him off.

" I know it's not the proper way. Though do you see and bandages around. Do you Drew?" I snap.

" You need help Andy. I'll take you to the nurse, c'mon." Drew said urging me to get up.

" Just leave." I groaned, why wouldn't he just freaking leave?

And what's taking Olivia and Lizzie so long?

Drew stood there watching me clean up my bloody leg.

" It's weird your standing there watching me wipe my blood," I laugh.

Drew didn't crack a smile," I don't get why you can't except some help."

I get up -picking up the bloddy tissues- and say, " I don't need it."

I threw the pile of tissues into the garbage can and right on cue Olivia walks through the door along with Lizzie.

" Sorry about us being late-" Olivia started,but I waved my hands indicating I didn't mind.

" Well we should get going then!" I said clapping my fingers and then turned and bumped straight to Drew.  

I took a step to the side and then passed him.

" Andy." Drew sighed.

" Bye Drew." I said in a bored tone.

I turned to give him a look and he gave me back one too. I couldn't read it.

I snapped back to reality and joined Lizzie and Olivia and urged them along to the front of the school.

When we were far away enough from Drew. Olivia broke the silence and giggled, " What was that back there?"

I give her a confused look.

" With Drewwwww," Olivia stretched.

I laugh, " Oh that! That was nothing. Zippo. You know the same old snotty jock."

" Drew is actually a "nice popular" if that makes sense. He isn't like some." Lizzie spoke up.

I stared at her, " What about you people? What held you guys up?" I asked changing the subject.

Olivia looked towards Lizzie who's expression I could read right off that bat... It said ... 'No. Don't tell'

" What's going on?" I ask raising a brow.

" Lizzie," Olivia said gently, " just tell her, there is no harm in telling Andy."

Lizzie looked at me with worried eyes, " I'm sorry but I'm not ready, I need to go-"

Lizzie was getting all flustered and probably many thoughts were racing in her head.

I grabbed her shoulders, " Lizzie... You can tell me when you want to. Okay? Now you can trust me. Though you've only just met me I understand you can't open up to me and I get that. No hard feelings, alright?"

She nodded, " I'm sorry Andy. Though I can't say it."

" And that is perfectly fine." I tell her.

She smiles and hugs me, " Thanks."

" Group hug!" Olivia shouted cutting in.

" Umm Olivia? I think our group hug has lasted long enough." I said in short breaths as she squeezed the heck out of me.

Olivia quickly got off and Lizzie let go as soon as thy saw me' suffocating.

I coughed and told them I would be okay.

Lizzie handed me a bottle of water and tilde me' to drink up.

While I drank the water, Lizzie nudged Olivia, " Nice going!"

" Hey! I take group hugs very seriously!" Olivia protested.

I kept on coughing. The ate didn't help much.

Lizzie and Olivia walked me over to a bench hoping somehow my coughing would stop.

Suddenly as I looked up. I couldn't believe it, it was Ian.

How is this possible? How did he find me?

---> Ian

Author's Note:

Sorry for the late update. School's almost out... means more uploadind woo hoo!

This chapter was going to be longer though I decided to break it into two different chapters.

I really hope you guys liked the chapter and hope to hear from you :)

In the next chapter, you'll find out more about Ian!


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